Lullaby: Part II

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The Woodland Realm: Halls of the King. SA 3434


{Clara POV}


"This is preposterous! Idiocy, I cannot allow it!"

"I am not asking for you to allow it, Lord Galour."

"What next Clara, will you be donning peasants clothes and sweeping the streets? This is not behaviour acceptable of a Princess!"

I bite my bottom lip, my only outward sign that Galour's hissy fit is irritating me. I maintain my poised posture and steeple my fingers, in a show of consideration of his just (incredibly snobbish and backward) concerns. He continues to pace and verbally huff with me for several more minutes, before crossing his arms about his chest and glowering at me in his entirely pretentious way.

"Are you quite finished?" I query, in a soft as silk voice and smirk when he bristles at my attitude. Oh I can't help it, he is a continuous thorn in my side. Honestly it is absolutely guaranteed that if I say one thing, he will say another, and he will always hold the opposite opinion of mine.

"Yes, I have said my piece," He grumbles, and eyes Calanon with disdain.

"Well, if that will be all," I gesture for the door, with a serene smile plastered on my face. "I will expect to see you, and your lovely wife in the fields in the morning."

"If that is your wish," Galour hisses through gritted teeth, then flounces out of the council office with his nose stuck in the air.

I wait for about five seconds before I slap my head off the table, and whine loudly in frustration.

"I swear that elf is going to kill me," I moan, and turn to face Calanon's sympathetic eyes as he nods in agreement.

"The King says the same thing," Calanon reminds me, and I giggle at the various council memories that I have of the two arguing bitterly. "But you have the support of the rest of the council Clara, your ruling is a wise one."

"Yes, well I see no other way around it Calanon," I sigh and lift a hand to rub my temple, as I examine the various ledgers under my nose. "With most of the population at war, we lack the bodies to complete the necessary tasks. The fields need prepared for planting, we need preparations in place before winter, and to do that everyone needs to help. Any able bodied ellon and ellith, including myself, should commit to ensuring this Kingdom runs smoothly in the absence of most of our skilled civilians."

"I am not arguing with you, my lady," Calanon chuckles and wraps a hand around my wrist in comfort. "But some do not understand that it is the hard work of the peasants, that ensure the strength and prosperity of our kingdom."

"Yes well, some of us, just need to get over ourselves," I snipe and place my chin in my palm, as I stare at the orders I have signed. I don't regret them, I feel that in times of hardship we all must pull together in order to weather out the storm, regardless of station. None of us our exempt from this, not even a Princess and her court.

"Come Clara, it is late and the children will be missing you," Calanon gestures for me to follow him, and I do without objection. I am weary from the endless drone of days just bickering over petty things. I miss my husband, and I miss my King. I miss the sea of familiar faces, and if I think to long about it all my heart hurts. War is a terrible thing, it separates homes and lives, and makes all things desolate and empty. Yet it is something we all face together, all of us who are left behind, and it is my job to make this period of sadness just that little bit more bearable. I only hope my plans to keep everyone united and comforted will do just that.

I wander down the halls, and drift to the sound of sing-song voices in my gardens. I shake my head and roll my eyes, it is too late for little ones to be playing out in the gardens, but then again it is a bit late for said little ones mother to be coming home.

I lean on the marble ledge that overlooks the vast beauty of the healing gardens, and in the distance I spy Ellie and the children rummaging excitedly in the dirt. It takes all of about two minutes for Legolas to spy me, and start waving frantically for me to join them, so of course I do.

"Nana! Nana!" He sings and prances from one excited foot to the next; "We are planting a singing tree."

"A singing tree?" I query and happily receive a quick cuddle from him, before he hauls me in the direction of Elbes and his sister.

"A lullaby tree," Ellie corrects Legolas, and he just shrugs and points proudly to the young sapling. Some sort of apple blossom tree I would imagine, it will look gorgeous when it blooms.

"For Ada," Celairiel croons, as she tenderly pets the bark with her hand. "We will sing Ada our songs."

"And Grandpa too!" Legolas sharply reminds his little sister, and she gives a dramatic nod of agreement to his statement.

"Oh?" I ask and kneel down beside her, and she scrambles onto my lap to pierce me with big expressive eyes, so much like her Adar's.

"Yes, it is a tale among our folk," Ellie interjects, and gives me a knowing look; "When our loved ones are far away, we can plant a lullaby tree in their memory. So when we miss them, we can come and sing to the tree and the tree will whisper our lullabies to them while they dream."

"That is such a wonderful idea," I say quietly, and attempt to hide the tears in my eyes. Ellie gives me a soft smile and stretches over to rub my shoulder comfortingly. I quickly wipe my sleeve under my eyes, and beam happily at both Legolas and Celairiel; "So, what song shall we sing for Ada and Grandpa tonight?"

A/N: little short chapter to keep up with our favourite heroine back home. I promise a much longer update on Friday.

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