Intermission *Author Note*

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Good Morning everyone!

First of all I want to thank you all for coming with me this far. It has been quite the emotional ride, and I appreciate that this book is probably the most detailed and often quite distressing.  We've said goodbye to a lot of characters, and watched as Clara and Thranduil fought for both their daughter and their home. Now, they've said goodbye to each other and all their fates are up in the air.

So, with all these intertwined lives and story arcs driving into one mash up of war torn chaos - I must change how I approach the writing of this story.

Don't worry, it's just temporary.

Henceforth, for the duration of the 'war' chapters as I like to call them, there will be a split between Clara's first person POV and a Third Party POV of the characters engaged in war. This decision took place because I felt it was only fair to all the characters in the warzone - it's the only way to tell their stories because ultimately their fates will affect Clara's future story arc too.

So, each chapter will be named but not numbered, and split into clearly labelled 'Parts' with a location description to help readers know where they are, and who is narrating. Clara still has her POV but it will be broken up with storyteller narrated chapters - covering the unfolding drama with Thranduil, Oropher, Aradan, the Sindar royalty, and the Silvan warriors. I will be introducing a new character, and I'm sure if you know your ElvenKing you'll recognise him - I'm very excited to share.

Ultimately, there are only seven more chapters to go before the final book. The chapter set up will continue into the last book for a short time, until the war is over, and will return to Clara's ongoing POV and numbered chapters for the majority of the book. As I've not quite finished the final chapters of this very long tale, there might be a slight return to Third Party POV- but I haven't decided fully on that yet.

I quite enjoyed the slight change-up in writing, and it's my hope you guys will too. I don't think it's too much of an interruption, and I think it adds to the drama. After all, we can't not cover the events of the war just because Clara isn't there to narrate it...the war gives birth to the very character of the ElvenKing...and I really don't want to brush over that.

As in the words of the late great Professor Tolkien - in regards to the characterisation of Thranduil...

"But there was in Thranduil's heart a still deeper shadow. He had seen the horror of Mordor and could not forget it. If ever he looked south its memory dimmed the light of the Sun, and though he knew that it was now broken and deserted and under the vigilance of the Kings of Men, fear spoke in his heart that it was not conquered for ever: it would arise again." - The Unfinished Tales, JRR Tolkien.

So, I hope you continue to enjoy and as always comment, vote, and let me know your thoughts.

Speak to you all soon.


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