17. Of the Forest

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The fire crackles comfortingly, giving off a soothing, warm, and welcoming light against the howling wind that echoes eerily through the cavernous halls. The late winter storms are brutally rampaging all around us, but as for me and my family, we are safely tucked up in the confines of our snug home. Today's celebrations leaving us all quite weary, but I'm hopeful that we can return to the peacefulness of our daily routines now. Also, I'm quite relieved that said storms stayed away until late this afternoon. Someone even wisely predicted there could be snow! This was largely laughed off because it is too late in the winter for snow; sure, spring is nearly upon us... clearly none of these folk where raised in Ireland.

So with my hand maids dismissed for the evening, I curl further into the warm furs and blankets and croon softly to my sleepy daughter, who watches me through drooping eyelids. Her cheeks flushed a rosy red hue from the heat that engulfs us, making her blonde locks shimmer even more in the soft yellow light. She clutches a length of my hair as it tickles her porcelain face, her lips forming an adorable 'O' shape as she yawns and wriggles determinedly in my arms.

"Oh, you are so stubborn," I sigh tiredly and trace the tiny frown on her perfect brow as I begin to croon again; "Go to sleep little Celairiel, lay down your head and I'll sing you a lullaby. Back to the years of loo-li-lai-lay, and I'll sing you to sleep and I'll sing you tomorrow. Bless you with love for the road that you go..." She yawns again in response and I smile knowingly as I quietly continue my song; "May you bring love and may you bring happiness, be loved in return to the end of your days. Now fall off to sleep, I'm not meaning to keep you. I'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li-lai-lay."

Like a charm, my headstrong little daughter goes slack in my arms, her tiny hand freeing my hair as she slips into happy dreams. I grin triumphantly and give a tired yawn myself, she is not the easiest baby to coax to sleep. Not that I need sleep, but I could do with a little rest to recharge and not feel so drowsy all of the time. My head bobs to the side so that my gaze lands on Legolas, who is already out cold and snoring softly, as he lies cuddled into my side. I outstretch my hand and run my fingers through his fair hair, sighing contently as I do.

"I know you're there?" I chuckle and roll my head back to see the figure loitering in the doorway. "You can come in, as long as you keep your voice low."

"I did not want to disturb such a beautiful song," Thranduil adds quietly as he tiptoes up to my place settled by the fire and smiles adoringly at the scene before him. "I assume not one from this world?"

"No," I reply with a nostalgic smile, "A song from a very long time ago."

"Do you miss it now?" he queries in a soft voice, his head tilting to the side. "With the little one here, do you wish your kin could have known her?"

I nod truthfully as I glance down at my miraculous little bundle of light and love; "Not my kin, because they would not have appreciated her, but I just wish that she could have seen the world I came from; the green lush hills of home, the cliffs and crags, the myths and legends of my very superstitious folk."

"Keep it alive for her," he reminds me with a sympathetic nod; "And for you, it is good not to forget."

"So they say," I reply, but shake my head quickly to dislodge the brooding thoughts. "It's late, did the meeting with the merchants trail on a little?"

"Oh, as always," Thranduil grumbles and leans in to ask for a kiss, but when I hesitate he frowns. "You are still unhappy with me?"

"No, I'm not unhappy," I sigh and scrub my face with my hand. "I just feel you could have been a little more respectful to Glorfindel, he has been more than gracious to us."

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