19. Signs, Sensations, and really tight tunics!

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"Now she doesn't like being completely in the dark, so I always make sure that there is a candle burning...oh and if she cries and she shouldn't be hungry it's maybe because she is cold, so make sure she is wrapped up well, and-"



"I can manage."

"Yes, I know but-"

"Clara, darling, go out and enjoy yourself she will be fine!" Gilron chortles as she bounces a completely unconcerned Celairiel in her arms. "We are going to have a wonderful time aren't we little one?" Gilron questions my curious daughter and nods towards our private gardens where Legolas and Tauriel are bounding around at lightning speed. "You and I, and Legolas and Tauriel, are going to have a grand time indeed."

"Clara, come on!" Thranduil whines and pulls on my shoulder; "She will be fine, they will be fine, Gilron knows what she is doing, stop fretting we are going to be late! I am missing out on my only excuse to pulverise Aradan!"

"Okay!" I snap and go in for one last cuddle from my unperturbed little elfling. "Now if she needs me at all or if anything happens please send someone for me, we should only be gathered in the woods beyond the barracks."

"Clara it is fine, go before Oliel has your head impaled for missing her wedding festivities," Gilron teases and I sigh in defeat. I have been unable to come up with a good enough excuse to avoid tonight's gathering, and if I am being honest I do want to go, but the thought of leaving my daughter for the night is causing me minor heart failure.

"I'll be back before you know it," I reply resolutely and turn to peek up at Thranduil who appears positively bored with my dithering. "Sure we won't be that late?" I ask him and he rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

"Valar forbid," he tells Gilron with a teasing smirk, then clasps his whole hand around mine and forcefully yanks me away before I change my mind. "Gilron, thank you for doing this, if you need anything the servants will be about to tend to you."

"I will manage my lord; after all did I not do this for you?" She grins and bobs her head before turning to smile at the two older elfling's still engaged in their highly competitive game of tag. "I was already on Grandmother duty this evening, it is no great burden. In fact it will probably make my task easier, particularly if those two tire each other out soon."

"Hmm, it is not those two you need to worry about," Thranduil replies with a frown, then clasps Celairiel's plump little face in his one hand and in an adoring voice adds; "Novaer iell nin." {Be good my daughter}. Celairiel softly babbles and mumbles delightedly to her Ada's attention, and I have to admit she does seem quite peaceful, I guess it is only me worked up about this separation.

"Go on you two," Gilron childes and gently prods Thranduil towards me and in turn towards the forest. "Go have some fun, drink a lot of wine, and be young and reckless."

Thranduil laughs off the command and quickly guides me away, nearly at a forced march, but that doesn't stop me waving manically and blowing theatrical kisses back towards the children until we are out of view. Still I remain quite subdued and quiet as we walk along the familiar pathways that lead out of the caves and into the woods. It isn't until we have stopped at the mouth of one of the many hidden exits that Thranduil grips my arms and turns me to face him.

"You are fretting," He remarks with an arched eyebrow and pursed lip.

"No I'm not," I defend a little too hastily and this makes him let out a peal of amused laughter. "Okay maybe I am a little," I say as I scowl out towards the wood, and the distant hum of lively music and the spiral of plumes of smoke that rise from the fire pits.

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