6. Nana's Secret

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The view from the King's private balconies is always a glorious sight as the sun rises. The well positioned and intricately carved elevated platforms look out onto the vast expanse of the caverns, which appear like a hidden oasis, quiet in the peaceful golden glow as the sun peeps through the openings in the caves, and bathes the whole city in glittering warm light. The waterfalls and winding underground rivers flow peacefully through the connecting bridges and pathways, the light making the water sparkle, creating little rainbows when the rays hit it. Life is only beginning to stir as I watch the comings and goings of the inhabitants with mild curiosity, amused by the fact that they are completely oblivious to my innocent gaze following them.

Absently, I link my hands and stretch them overhead, sighing contentedly as my back elongates and the stress momentarily releases. I tuck a strand of my loose hair back into the messy bun atop my head, and take the finer paintbrush from the mass of gathered locks, returning to my painting. My brows creasing in concentration as I try to figure out if the bluebells are the correct shade of blue or not. I have concocted that a pretty tree house covered in wildflowers, complete with a rope swing, is a suitable painting to hang in the baby's nursery. It is also a ways and means for me to fill my time and keep myself preoccupied. Thranduil will do anything and give me anything, just to keep me out of trouble. He actually had these paints brought in from Lindon, just to amuse me. I have to say I am pretty amused; this has got to be the best paint in all of Arda.

It has been an interesting six weeks to say the least. Mostly because Ollie is trying and failing to restrain herself from telling everyone that I am expecting. Once I was able to speak to her privately, she switched between high pitched squeaking and blubbing uncontrollably. In all fairness, I did the same thing. In fact, I struggled to actually utter the words without erupting into hysterical tears. Actually, for more or less the first three weeks post discovery, all I seemed to do was cry or grouch. I seem to have mellowed out now, or at least I feel more in control of my emotions. So, within the week of finding out, Ollie had accidently told Gilron, and within the fortnight she just kind of forgot herself and told Aradan. Thankfully, both parties understand the necessity to keep things quiet, and to be frank, I enjoy having Gilron know. She has been brilliant, sending me food and coming for chats over tea so she can check up on me and the little one. By Gilron and the healers' reckoning, I must be around four months gone, and because I am an elf, I can look forward to another eight more. I am not sure whether to be pleased about this or not - happy because the looming fear of labour is out of sight for a long time or, unhappy, because pregnancy clearly doesn't agree with me.

I am not one of those glowing mothers to be; I am tired, I am sore; I sleep when I shouldn't and lie awake when I need to actually rest. I still have an odd intolerance for most food, but when I'm hungry I could eat enough for two grown ellyn. I feel puffy and queasy, and I am not even showing yet! Okay... well, I am pretty sure there is definitive bump jutting out between my hips, but to everyone else it just looks like I've put on a little weight, and I'm not even sure elves can get fat? Basically this begetting an elfling business is not as easy as the other mothers made it look. But bizarrely enough I am completely giddy with happiness, and anytime I feel a little blue I feel my little light within me, and I am reminded why it is all going to be worth it.

I want to tell Legolas soon, and I just want it to be a natural thing. As of yet, he hasn't really twigged on that anything has changed. He is just delighted that his Nana and Ada spend a lot of time at home, and a lot of time with him, and I must say, I am enjoying this down time. I could get used to having Thranduil around, it is like the honeymoon we never had, because, well, I don't think he would understand the concept of a honeymoon. It is just nice to act like an ordinary family, and not have a hundred responsibilities land on your lap every morning. I know it can't last forever, but for the meantime I shall savour it.

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