9. Tainted

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"Do you promise Aradan," Legolas whines and shoves his face right into his, nearly knocking the fork from the elf's hand as he tries to eat the food I have quickly put together for him. "You really will get me my own bow?"

"Yes, but you have to be prepared to practice every day," Aradan sternly reminds the overzealous elfling. "That means getting up early before lessons and coming straight to the range to practice."

"I will!" he cheeps excitedly and flaps his arms energetically, "I swear I will!"

"Every single day?"

"Yes, yes, YES!"

"Alright then, I shall see what I can do," Aradan chuckles and Legolas' little head practically spins off his small shoulders with mind boggling happiness.

"Do I not have any say in this?" I frown from across the table as I pick at some chicken. "I mean, archery is dangerous Legolas. I still think you are a little young."

"But Nannnaaaa!" he cries in exasperation and I stifle a chuckle at the dramatic response. "There are other elfling's training and they are just a little older than me. Besides, Ada says I can!"

"Oh, does he?" I query and raise an eyebrow, and watch as my son deflates a little.

"Pleeeeaaassse, Nana? I will be careful I promise!" Legolas whines even more loudly than before and clutches the arm of my chair. "Please, please, please, please," he repeats whilst jumping in time to the words.

"Alright, alright...okay," I groan and lift both my hands up in surrender, "But Ada and I will discuss it first, so don't get too excited."

"Yesss!" Legolas fist pumps then turns on his heels to run out the door.

"Wait...where are you off to now?" I cry in exasperation and clutch my forehead.

"To tell Grandpa," he calls back as I watch his little blonde head disappear from view.

"Thanks Aradan, thank you for that," I hiss and glare murderously at the other elf. "His own bow? He is a child, I am completely against this."

"Clara, you are too uptight," Aradan smirks and happily chomps down on the leg of chicken I was eyeing up. "Besides, it will be a little bow, just for training. He has talent you know? Best I have seen in all my years. He has such a keen eye, it would be a shame not to encourage that. We could have the makings of the greatest archer of our time."

"Oh, I have no doubt," I add sarcastically and ignore Aradan's befuddled look at my comment. I just never expected to be the mother of said legendary marksman, and it is kind of hard to not quietly freak out about the danger my little leaf could put himself in. Aradan rolls his eyes and returns to happily snarfing his way through his meal. I watch him with an annoyed expression for a few moments before I decide it is my turn to make him uncomfortable;

"Thranduil tells me you are hiding from Ollie?" I query breezily as I examine my nails, then arch a questioning eyebrow and watch as Aradan tenses slightly. He drops his fork and lowers his gaze...aha! I knew it, he is guilty.

"I would not say hiding," he mutters and frowns. "His highness should learn to keep his mouth shut."

"And you should learn not to be so secretive... tell me, is something going on between you two?" I give him my best concerned look and ponder the fact that I am useless at interrogation. I just sort of come on out with the obvious question.

"No!" he quickly blurts out, a little too quickly of course, and then guiltily drops his eyes again. "I know what you are thinking Clara, I can see it written all over your face. You think I am toying with her, purposefully not settling down."

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