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I was in the back of the ambulance with cordell and I was bawling my eyes out. He was so pale and cold I was terrified of the outcome. The paramedics couldn't do much at the moment and I didn't know what to do.

They got him the back and ran some test on him. I don't know what I would do if I lost Cordell.. Yes we fight a lot but that's still my baby at the end of the day. Nobody knows what I would give to have him back right now.

The doctors came out and told me that he overdosed and had an allergic reaction. If I wouldn't have gotten there when I did , his chance of survival where slim to none. They allowed me to see him and I sprinted to the room and hugged him. He was cold as ice but his color was coming back, so that's a good sign. His eyes where droopy and he had on an oxygen mask with tubes attached all over him. All I could do was cry and pray that he would wake up.


I felt a body on me but I didn't know who it was. All I remember was leaving Charlie's house and now I'm in the hospital. While I was out of it I saw my parents. My mom had on an all white dress with golden wings and my dad matched her.

They told me how proud they where of me for taking care of Serenity the way I am. They also told me to watch my surroundings very close and to be careful with who I trust. I was so close to the golden gates but they said it wasn't my time yet.

They said something about staying and helping Charleston through what's about to happen to her. I'm glad that I got to see my parents that one last time and tell them I love them. Now its time for me to live the rest of my life the correct way.


"That son of bitch!" I yelled out.

Of course Charleston was going to come and ruin my plan. I hate her with a passion and I refuse to let her be the one to stop me. I dressed myself in a black and put all my necessary "tools" in the trunk. I hopped in the car and sped to the hospital. On the way there I came up with many plans of how I would get rid of her.

Lately I've been watching her every move and I know about her baby with cordell so that's the first thing on my list. Get rid of that baby before it comes. When I was pregnant with Serenity I had many thoughts if abortion so I bought the pills just in case. I hid them in a small bag in my glove compartment and I still have them.

I know how Charleston loves tea without much sugar so I got her some and mixed the pills in there. Step one , done.


I took a walk outside to get some fresh air since cordell was still sleeping. I couldn't handle seeing him like that so I had to step out and breathe. I looked at my stomach and smiled a little. I Dont know how I'm going to tell cordell that I'm pregnant with his baby.. Me and cordell had sex last month when he came over complaining about Amariee and he said he was done with her. Once again I believed him. Now here I am pregnant with his second child.

Cordell is the only guy I have ever had sex with so there is no way possible he can deny our child. We were so caught up in the moment we forgot to use protection. God I need a miracle right now.


I put my blunt out and slowly crept up behind Charleston. I covered her head and drug her to my car and threw her in my trunk. Once I got to my abandoned apartment I tied Charleston up and taped her mouth shut with just a tiny hole that only allows a straw through it. She tried to yell but that only resulted me to me slicing her cheek open.

"Listen here Charleston. You're going to listen to me and do everything I say, okay? Okay." I said swirling my finger around the straw.

"Drink it." I said shoving the straw in her mouth. She let a tear fall and I laughed.

"Tears don't soften my heart. Drink it or get stabbed ... Again" I said and she drank it so quickly.

"Good girl"

Step one: get rid of that baby before it comes, done.

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