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I had to stop my fun because my neighbors decided to "greet" me. I don understand why they're so nice, nice people get under my skin. anyways, I went back to Cordell and he was still asleep. that's great for now. I put Kendrick in charge of watching him while I headed back to California.

the whole plane ride there I wrote out my next moves. I had to covert tracks and walk on egg shells so disappearing wouldn't be the answer. especially since the case for Shawnyelle's murder is still open.

step three- Kidnap Cordell {}

time to figure out step 4.


its been hours since Cordell came up missing and I get my mind off of him. I called the police but they cant file a report until after 48-72 hours have passed of them missing. bullshit? yeah, I know. I decoded to take Serenity to grandmas house while I looked for Cordell. I've had no luck so now in hanging up fliers. God I need a miracle, just please bring my baby home safely and love.


on my plane ride I figured out my next move. I've been driving around town watching Charleston hang up all these fliers. she's gonna need way more than that to find him anytime soon. I watched her pull into grandmas driveway so I took that to my advantage. I sped off going to her apartment, hitting corners and taking back roads. once I pulled up I put on my ski mask and gloves along with some timberlands that were a size to big for me. I cover all my tracks.

I grabbed my duffle bag full of supplies and crept up to the door. taking the bobby pin out of my hair I proceeded to pick the lock and walk inside and look around. my cost was clear so I jumped straight on it.

I walked upstairs to her room and saw a lot of Cordell clothes, I instantly grew angry. I got undressed all the way and put on the shirt and tied my hair up. I set my camera up and laid in her bed and took many pictures. since my camera instantly printed them out I instantly I scattered them across the room. once I finished Made a nice little video but I wasn't dumb enough to put my face in it. then the detectives would be right on my ass.

I poured gasoline all over the inside of the house then stepped outside he door and threw in a few matches and ran across the street to my car. i slid the video DVD in the mail box then I proceeded and laid the duffle bag in my seat and grabbed a hand grenade for it and chunked it at the house and speed off.

step four- break Charleston down {}

as I sped up and down the high way I didn't notice how fast I was goin and how reckless I was driving. I slowed down and let my adrenaline pipe down. within that time all I saw was fire trucks and police are speeding in the opposite direction. guess charelston found her surprise. I smiled with so much joy until I looked through my review and saw police cars and heard their sirens. I can't believe I'm getting pulled over.  
💚- alright guys, I'm sorry it's been a while. a lot of people wanted me to update so I finally did. I hope you guys like it.-💚

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