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stood right in front of me was the devil himself. I took a deep breathe trying to form words but nothing would come out. I hurried and pushed Cordell back and tried to close the door but their foot stopped right in time. I used all my strength to try to push it back but he was to strong. I really didn't know what to do.


I looked at Charleston crazy and just closed the door. I don't what's going on but she's been real paranoid lately. every since I came back she's been actin strange. I admit that letter was nerve wracking but she took this to another level.

"Baby are you open? you're literally fighting with a door..." I said concerned. I honestly didn't know what was wrong.

"did you not just see Kendrick standing there!?" she asked pacing the room.

"babe there was no one there. you're just paranoid that's all. go lay down and take a nap to shake this off.. we can go shopping and to dinner later or another day."

"Cordell I'm not crazy! I swear he was right there then he just.... vanished."

"yeah babe.... just go take a nap".


I knew I'm not crazy man, Kendrick was at that door. I got up and walked to the room and laid down. my body was full of thoughts but most of them were happy. I'm in a good place with life and I'm learning to keep it that way.

I couldn't let my paranoia stop me from having a good day. I fixes my hair then went back downstairs.

"alright baby, sorry I was tripping. let's just go and have some fun"

I stated walking to the car. once I got to Benihana I sat across from Cordell and smiled hard.

"Cordell I love you" I said geeked as hell.

"thanks" he responded and I shot him a look.

"fine I take it back then"

"I mean why? you're obviously saying it for a reason"

"can I no just love you?"

"you can but you have a reason and I know you do. you're all gushy and lovey dovey when you rarely wanna be touched or want me to even open the door for you." he said and that was true.

"I just love you" I said shrugging.

"well I love you too."

"that was fucking dry. say it like you mean it or don't say it at all." he was quit for a minute and I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"baby girl I love you so much more than you think"

I couldn't help but smile, that's my baby. after a long night of shopping an eating we decided to go to the carnival and spend some more quality time while Serenity with Aaliyah.

"ooo let's go ride the starship"

"alright I'm down"

he slickly slid his hand down to my booty and kept walking. I chuckled at his cleverness and kept walking. I got in the starship and strapped myself onto the wall and looked at Cordell.

"I can't lie, imma he hella nausea and dizzy once this is over" I said laughing.

"trust me I know. I got you ma, believe that."

he leaned over and kissed me. sure enough the ride started and we couldn't move. this night honestly was the best. 💚

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