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I couldn't lie, I was nervous as hell when I got pulled over. I slid my duffle bag under the seat and got myself under control. I heard the cop knock on my window so I rolled it down and looked at him.

"hello, are you aware that your tail light is out?"

oh thank satan I thought, just a minor issue.

"no sir, I'll get that straightened out right away. I'm actually headed that way, kind of have a family emergency.." i honestly wished that lie worked.

"alright. I need your license and registration because you were also going 85 mph in a 60 mph zone. that's not safe"

I rolled my eyes and handed him all of that. I shook my leg as he ran my tags, I was growing very impatient with him. he slowly approached he car and asked me to step out of it. I did as told and he searched me. I hung my head low cause I knew he found the nine on my waist.

he put it on top of the car and proceeded to pull out various bags of cocaine. damn I was going down, meaning they would take finger prints. I'm dead meat man..


I slowly opened my eyes and tried to scream out In agony but I couldn't gain the strength. I tried everything in my power but soon enough I just gave up. I looked around the room and it was pretty empty except for the pictures of me, serenity and Charlie.. this was freaky as hell but there could only be one person behind this. Amariee.

I held underneath my chair and hopped close to the door and put my ear against it and listened to someone talk over the phone I'm guessing.

"man I'm on my way!"

I took a deep breathe and hopped back to my original spot and closed my eyes as I heard foot steps approach and the door open.

"this nigga still sleep.."

that was Kendrick voice and I knew that for a fact. he loosened the ropes some and left , locking the doors behind him. I quickly opened my eyes and slid out of the ropes and looked for an opening. my only way out was through the vent and I had no type of strength but I had to push through it.

once I finally landed on the ground and stood up and ran as fast I could holding my side that was giving me a cramp. my breathing grew heavy and my lips cracked due to the cold air hitting it.

I couldn't stop because of that I just kept pushing. it was getting dark and I felt like I was about to collapse. I looked around and saw an abandoned car with the keys still in the ignition. I took that as a sign and I jumped in and sped off.

God knows I was in pain but I had to do what I have to do to survive. survival of the fittest. I put my seatbelt on fast as possible and pressed on the gas hard. I looked at the gas tank and noticed the car was almost on E. fuck fuck fuck, I thought to myself.

I noticed a gas can in the back seat so I pulled over and got out shaking hard and tried to pour it on the tank but wasted it on myself. I smelt smoke and I was getting very light headed. next thing I see is a cigarette land on the car and it slowly burning to pieces. I ran super fast and took some back roads. I looked behind me at a familiar pair of head lights and knew it was over for me.

I heard a gun clock and bullets slanging at every direction. there was no direction for me to go but I jumped on the ground and snake crawled to the best of my ability. soon enough I felt a kick to my face and a bullet pierce my spine. I couldn't find the strength to even scream all I could do was lay there into own blood. God, why me?

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