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All I could do right now was cry. God knows what was in that drink and I drank it.. Amariee left but she wasn't very smart about that. She didn't tie me up very tightly so I slipped my arms out and untied myself.

I ran out that house so quick and I don't run. I darted my ass to that hospital and into Cordell room. I jumped in his bed and snuggled with and I was so glad he was awake but even more happy that I made her alive.

"Umm.. Hey. You okay?" He asked and I just shook my head.

"No no no.. You're crazy girlfriend kidnapped me and made me drink something and I'm scared cause I Dont know what's in it!!" That's when I felt something trickle down my leg..


I looked at Charlie leg and got really scared.
"Charlie... Why are you bleeding?" I saw tears form in her eyes and her heart beat went up.

"I was pregnant cordell.. She kilt our baby!" She screamed and cried on my chest..

Our baby? Damn. I had another baby on the way? That's what my parents were talking about. Damn it!

I called the nurse in and she took charlie to another room and gave me some food cause a nigga was hungry. God why can't I just be happy already?


I called my sisters Shawnyelle and Aaliyah and told them what happened and they said they were on the way. Aaliyah is the second oldest and Shawnyelle is the youngest. We all have different moms and our dad is just an old freak that can't keep his stuff in his pants.

I felt myself go into depression because I really wanted that baby. I want a family to call my own but she ruined that. Once again I started to cry. I couldn't control the tears so I just let them flow. I felt two bodies hug me tight and I already knew it was my girls.
I cried on them and they cried with me. If nobody had me I know that tey do. I could always call on them and they'd be here in 2.2 seconds.

•3 weeks later•

Cordell is getting out the hospital and I'm still dealing with the lost of my baby. The girls have been a big help and I'm grateful for that. They've decided to put their money together and pay for my hospital bill. I could never repay them for anything they've ever done for me. I honestly love them.


"Umm Shawnyelle I found a note.." I said picking it up off of Cordell's bed. I'm nosey , no need to front. I wonder if this is from Amariee.

"Ooooooo, read it!" She said sitting in a swing chair and looking at me.

"Okay it says ,

"Dear Cordell,

I have never honestly loved you nor have I ever loved Serenity. I was with you because I knew you would be stupid enough to hustle and make big bucks. In other words I was in it for the money. You actually think I would be with someone like you? Hell no! Yes I poked a hole in the condom so you would be stuck with a baby. If you're reading this then I must be gone with all of your money while you're stuck with a baby. sucks for you but you got that little bitch Charleston or whatever her name is. So good rittens to you, your dumb ass baby, and your stupid ass friend Charlie.

Xoxo , Amariee"

I was lost for words at the moment. Not only did she disrespect cordell and serenity , but she disrespected my sister. That's something I do not play about. Talk about me but not my fucking sisters.

"Did she call charlie a bitch? Did I hear that correctly?!" Well she got a real problem now..



I tied my shoes and got up cause I already knew what was about to happen. I stretched some and handed Nyelle the keys cause Im not bout to get a ticket.. I'll let her get one.


I hopped in the car and sped off. I know where Amariee is cause I set the little hussy up. She thinks she's on a date with Kendrick but that's already my boyfriend so he's off limits. Meanwhile Aaliyah boyfriend Brayden is watching and recording , keeping us updated.

I pulled up and looked at liyah.

"Bitch if the cops come , hit the deck." I said trying not to laugh.

"Iight iight come on." She hopped out the car and waited for me.

I got out and gave her dap then walked in and look at amariee.

"Sup bitch?" I said leaning over the table.

See I was going to fuxk with her head but Liyah wasn't down so she just stabbed the bitch in the leg. I laughed and stabbed the other one and high five aaliyah.


So check this out... I may be bipolar just a little and once I saw amariee I just hot really heated so I stabbed her. Now imma do some more fucked up shit. After all of that craziness I left with a smile on my face.


I couldn't thank Charlie enough for being here for me. Honestly , I've been thinking and I think I'm in love with her. I've always loved her but I didn't know it was this much.. I can't hold back anymore , she's been down for me since forever.

"Charlie can I ask you something?" I said looking at her.

"Yeah , go ahead" she said pushing her hair behind her ear.

"I've realized a lot lately. One thing being that I'm in love with you. So with that being said , will you be my girlfriend?"


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