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Weeks had went by and I haven't been able to sleep or eat without Serenity around. I've been looking for her day and night but she's no where to be found. Not a trace of nothing. I went to the police and they said there wasn't a single person by that name in the system. They basically told me that Serenity was never even born.

Their exact words to me were : "go home kid, you just have a vivid imagination. There is no one in the system named Serenity Xavier. Go get some sleep man".

They laughed at me like I was just the biggest  comedian to ever walk earth. I knew Serenity was born and I knew that I wasn't crazy. Their was only one person between this whole ordeal and I was destined to kill her, regardless of the consequences.

I'm going for blood and I'm leaving with a whole bunch of it. I was going to kill Amariee before she could hurt anyone else that I loved. Mark my words.


I rocked my niece Tahliya and kissed her head, talking to her. My grandma called me downstairs so I went to check on her and did what she asked. I loved being an aunt but I knew something was wrong. Cordell was loosing it. I haven't seen him in months and it honestly scared me.

After my birthday and the news about his parents crash he disappeared. He felt as if he were the cause of their death because they wanted us to wait to have sex but I don't believe we caused them to die. I just don't.

I gave Tahliya to my grandma and kissed her head before getting in my BMW Coupe blasting The Closer I Get To You by Luther , cruising around town. I was in search of Cordell when I saw his car. My heart started racing and my palms got super sweaty. I gripped the wheel tight and pulled up behind it parking it.

Before getting out and took a few deep breaths and zipped up my coat. I walked over to him and starred at him trying to stop all my tears from falling but that didn't work. My eyes couldn't take it and I just erupted into tears , trying to hug him but he pushed me away.

"You killed my daughter!" He shouted at me.

I jumped before I honestly didn't know what he was talking about. He doesn't have a daughter, at least that I know about.

"What...? Cordell what are you talking about? I didn't kill anyone."

"You killed our daughter! You kidnapped me and everything, don't act stupid! You're going to hell but first I'm going to make you pay!"

He pulled me close before I knew it I felt something poking my stomach. I looked at him with pleading eyes and tried to move but he held me tighter.


5 years later•


I walked out of the rehabilitation center and into Charelston's car. She looked at me and hugged me super tight and I hugged her back. These past 5 years have been one hell of a journey man. I was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder, Schizophrenia, anger issues, depression and extreme implausibility.

Everyday day I wake up and I have to take so many different types of medicines then check in. The only reason I didn't go to jail for the murder of Amariee is because of my disorders. I had no idea I had them and they believe I got them after my parents died.

The whole time I was in rehab Charlie stayed by my side. She came and visited me everyday and she made sure I was okay. Not once did she give up on me no matter how much it hurt her. I had to make sure she was good regardless. She had moved on with her life and ended up marrying this football player. Now she's 6 months pregnant and getting ready to start her new life. I just pray I can be part of it, disregarding my past. I'm not that monster I was once before. My 17th year was based off of a vivid imagination that was controlled by my personal disorders. Something I had no control over. But life goes on and I'll be okay, eventually. I'm ready to live my life and start fresh. Every rose needs the rain.

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