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last night was wild asf... all I remember was me and Cordell hooking up and quite frankly that's all I need to remember. today me and Cordell were gonna go shopping then hit up Benihana.

I finished getting ready then decided to check the mail and found a letter. I ripped it open and took a deep breathe before reading it.

"hey bitch,

guess who? yup, it's Amariee. word on the street is that you and my boyfriend have been fucking around and you've been playing mommy. well that won't last very long because I'll be back before you know it. those bullets Cordell took will soon be yours so watch your back baby girl. not everybody is your friend or should I say sister. 😉 I hope you had your fun while I was away because soon you'll be miserable again! tell Cordell I said hi & I love you bunchessss. 💚 xoxo, the baddest bitch"

i probably read that letter a thousand times before I even moved.

"CORDELL!" I screamed out and he came over to me.

"what ? why you hollering in the house?"

I handed the letter and he read it while I watched him and chewed my nails. this was some spooky ass shit and I must say I'm kinda scared. he crumbled it up and threw it away.

"babe she's just trying to get to you. don't worry about her, she can't do anything from jail"

he said kissing my forehead but I knew for a fact he was trying to convince himself more than me. i nodded and grabbed his hand walking to the door opening it and froze up. I couldn't believe who stood before my eyes.

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