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I looked at shawnyelle and snatched her up by her arm. I saw the fear in her eyes cause I warned her about running her mouth. She already where it would get her.

Her sister aaliyah tried to stop me but she backed up once I raised my hand to hit her. Once I pulled up to the house I drug her inside and slammed her on the ground. I saw her body jerk and she started crying.

"Shut up!" I yelled grabbing my flask and drinking from it.

"You really haven't learned anything have you? I warned you about running your mouth last time but you don't listen, i see. Remember what I said would happen if you told anyone?"

She nodded and cried a little harder.

"Kendrick please don't. I'm sorry , I promise not to say another word. Just give me another chance" she begged and pleaded but I found it funny.

I yanked her by her hair and drug her up the stairs.

"You are a fat piece of shit. Didn't I tell you to keep your weight under 90?!"

I threw her on the bed and yanked my belt off. I started whooping her hard leaving bruises and cuts. The harder she cried the angrier I grew.


I knew today would be my last day alive and I'm glad it is. I don't have to suffer anymore. He flipped me over and rammed straight into me. I couldn't do anything anymore. I gave up all hope , I've lost all fight and I'm tired of crying. No tears came out , I felt no pain or remorse , at all. I said a silent prayer and just laid there.

I let him take advantage of me and do whatever he pleased. Once he came he pulled out his gun and a slide show of memories played in my head. The good ones first then all the bad ones.

"Put your mouth on it and suck and swallow the spit"

"Take it!"

"Tell anyone and I'll kill you!"

All these things played in my head and I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

1...2...3...4.... *three gunshots to the head and one to the lung*

I took my last breathed and that was the end.


I pulled up at Kendrick apartment and I didn't see anyone car. My heart was racing and I was terrified that something was wrong with my sister. I knocked on the door for ten minutes straight and I started to panick.

I used find my iPhone and shawnyelle's phone is inside. I knocked some more then finally used the key from under the mat.

I heard the door open again and I turned around to see who it was. Thank god it was only Charlie.

"Gosh you scared me." I said holding my chest.

"Sorry.. Shawnyelle not answering her phone so I came over to check on her."

"Same.. Maybe she's sleep"



I knew deep down inside that shawnyelle wasn't asleep. My gut feeling was telling me something was wrong and this time I just couldn't ignore it. I walked up the stairs and stood in front of the door for a while. I finally decided to attempt to open the door but I couldn't.

"aaliyah ..."

"I got it" she swung the door open and I saw her eyes water.

I rushed inside and stopped dead in my tracks. My heart damn near stopped, Somebody done killed my sister.

S.E.X {Part One}Where stories live. Discover now