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me and Cordell were just at home chillin today, not much to do. lately we've been happy and I pray it stays that way. I looked at him and smiled.

"you're so cute" I said, smiling.

he laughed and pecked my lips giving me a simple "thank you". he layed on the bed and turned the tv on to ESPN. I'm not much of a sports watcher but I'll do it for my baby.

I said on his lap and I felt him slide his hand up my pants and the flash reflected off of the wall. I chuckled and rubbed his legs, watching the game.

"baby, why do you like the giants so much?"

"because my nigga Odell! that boy can play some damn ball and I must say, I wish I had then skills." he said laughing, massaging my booty.😍>>>

I just nodded and kept watching. I slowly grew bored so I straddled him and traced his tattoos.

"hey buddy. why do your toes look like they throwing up gang signs?"

he looked at me and laughed grabbing my cheeks, kissing my forehead.

"babe you're bored so if to wanna change it go ahead"

I laughed and turned it to Poetic Justice since that's the way me and him connected.

see me and Cordell both had a passion for Tupac. I believe that Tupac was placed on this earth to make a difference. he's not one of these mark ass wanna be rappers. Tupac spit some real shit, that music that heals the soul.

he was my inspiration and probably my dad. another person we connected on was Kobe motherfucking Bryant! Kobe is the goat (greatest of all times) and I dare someone to say other wise. when I found out he was a fan of both Kobe & Pac I just knew he was going to be my best friend.

"hey chimp, let's do the hot Cheetos & Takis challenge"

Cordell called me chimp because he says I look like a dying chimpanzee with HIV when I'm sleeping. he gave me that nickname back in 5th grade when his parents watched me while my mom was on a trip.

"okay let's do it"

we went to Kroger and got 2 bags of hot Cheetos and 2 bags of Takis along with some Red Powerade. lord knows I love me some Powerade, mmm. 😩😏

once we got home we poured them all into a pan and I looked at him.

"alright baby. I win you owe me unlimited massages and if you win then I'll get you tickets to a Giants game. deal?"

he smiled big, knowing he would probably win.

"it's a deal baby!"

"okay on the count of three! 1...2...3..."

I grabbed a big ass Takis and put it in my mouth eating it. I saw him take some bites outta a takis.

"can't handle these I see"

he laughed and ate three more. we went back and forth and I could tell his mouth was burning but mine was just fine. I shrugged and kept eating them like the G I was.

"alright this my last one and I'm done. you win baby" he laughed and finished his chip and hurried to open his drink.

when I say he chugged that shit, I meant it. his whole Powerade was gone in .5 seconds so I gave him mine.

"you usually win but I guess today finally showed who the real G was"

I said laughing grabbing my drink.

"yeah whatever" he said laughing snatching my drink, drinking some.

"aww bud, I wanted that"

me and Cordell were the biggest babies ever. he kisses my forehead and chugged the rest running off to the room with me chasing him. gosh I love me some Cordell Xavier. 😩💚

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