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Phil's P.O.V

I was already off running.

The trees lightly dusted with snow and burdened with frost flew by me in blurs, as did those students around me. For I am sprinting as fast as I possibly can and I have no intentions of stopping. I do my best to avoid slipping on any of the shrinking patches of ice, acknowledging the way they sparkle with the newly revealed sun.

I can not even begin to comprehend what Meaghan had told me. This is all just so much information to process all at once and I really don't even know where to start. While listening to her story it took everything I had to not get up and dart towards the frat house halfway through, although I stayed out of respect for Evan and the not wanting to come across as rude.

My feet are moving incredibly fast beneath me, dodging around other students and the plants which have rooted themselves within the ground. I ignore the way my lungs are burning and I am receiving odd looks. Although I'm not sure what I expected, if there is one thing that everyone knows it is that Phil Lester does not run. Its mostly because I'm very lazy and nonathletic although my incessant habit to fall tends to play a part in the situation as well.

The air is so cold, it being the middle of January and all. It pumps into my lungs and burns my throat on the way down. It is refreshing to say the least, the way it numbs me down to the bone. I once again forgot to take a jacket which is quite apparently becoming a bad habit of mine. I fight off the urge to cough do to the shock of the large amount of cold air chilling my lungs and keep moving my feet rapidly beneath me. I must get to the bottom of whats going on with Evan, and although i could probably afford to walk to the frat which is only a short trip across campus i cant seem to make my legs slow down.

I figure it is for the best that I keep running when I look down at my phone and realize even should be getting out of his lesson in a little over half an hour. That gives me plenty of time to speak with the frat guys before returning to his dorm and speaking with him, or and this option is much more unnerving he arrives at the frat to do whatever it is he has been doing with them. The last thing I would want is for him to be under the impression that I didn't give him the benefit of the doubt and was snooping through his life.

Question upon question are flying around my head rapidly, none of it is adding up. It doesn't make sense to me that Evan would get involved with the frat in the first place, and that one in particular where every single member is notorious for being a terrible human. Although it didn't sound at all made up when Meaghan was telling me the story. I really trust her but right now I'm just wondering if I can trust her more than Evan.

The thing which is puzzling me the most is that Evan has apparently been at the party on Saturday with the intentions of assaulting Lilah. Evan loves Lilah with every part of his heart I cant see him hurting her. Although that boy has a dark side and although many people haven't seen it I have and trust me when I say that you do not mess with Evan Millikan. It also makes no sense because Evan avoids parties at all costs, having struggled with social anxiety in the past. We didn't discuss it much but all I know is that hes for the most part better now but would never want to risk having people at uni find out.

All of this is just so confusing, and I haven't even begun to think about it all yet. Like for instance if Evan was so close with the frat guys than why did someone tell me to have Evan back off the other day on the way to my lesson. Had he done something to upset or betray them? And why on earth was he so deadest on me not finding out.

Amidst being caught up in my deep thoughts i seem to of forgotten that my feet are quickly propelling me forward and before I know it i can feel them snag on something in-bedded into the ground and the earth is rapidly flying towards me. I hit the frozen soil beneath me with a loud thud, deciding that whilst lost in thought I stopped looking where i was going and tripped on a tree root. Because you know its not like i had anywhere to be.

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