Chapter One

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Calum's POV***

"Hey guys are you coming to watch me play tonight?" I ask my best mates; Luke, Ashton and Michael. I'm playing soccer against North Tree High, the school our school despises.

"Yeah we are coming. Who are you versing again?" Ash says.

"We are versing North Tree. They are all dicks." I reply.

"That means we have to sit on the same bleachers as those a-holes." Mikey crosses his arms and stomps the ground like a little kid. I chuckle at his behaviour.

"Suck it up Mikey, Cal is the one versing them!" Luke laughs at Mikey.

"Shut up Lucifer!" Mikey shouts.

"My names not Lucifer!" Luke protests.

"It is now! What you gonna do about it? Hmmm?" Michael challenges. Luke pushes Mikey and he trips over and knocks Ash over and lands on top of him. I fall to the ground laughing at them. Idiots.

One of our best players sprained their ankle in training on Monday. So we are down a player which sucks. The guy that sprained his ankle is Jason Walker, he's the most popular guy at Red Fox. He has girls falling to his feet, he stole my girlfriend of 2 years and they are still dating even if he's cheating on her. He's such a tool. The boys and I wish we were his friends but we are the outcasts of this school. I can't wait to get out of here high school sucks.

--------time skip dance--------

We are about to go out to the field. I glance at the North Tree students. They are all around six feet and are huge. I'm fucked.....

Ashton's POV***

Calum is fucked. The other team must be on steroids or something.

"Uh excuse me?" I am snapped out of my thought about which way Calum will get pummelled into the ground. I turn my head and a girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes is looking at me.

"Uh y-yeah." I stutter. Why am I stuttering? I never stutter! I can hear Michael laughing beside me.

"Can you please move so I can get to my seat?" She that has no name asks me. I nod my head quickly cause I don't trust my voice.

"Thanks." She mumbles and I sheepishly smile showing my dimples. Which I hate.

--------time skip dance--------

Luke's POV***

I walk down to Cal with Ash and Mikey. I give Cal a hug when I get down there which I instantly regret cause he's really bloody sweaty! We lost the game and I look over at North Tree and they are gloating and are death glaring us......It's really intimidating.

"Hey team!" I hear Jason yell. He walks over to the team and Ash, Mikey and I.

"I have an idea to get back at the North Tree scumbags. Wanna hear it?" Your the scumbag Jason. But we still all nod to see what he has to say.

"Yeah what is it Jas?" This one guy I think his name is Leo asks.

"I have spray cans in my car. We are gonna graffiti North Tree." Jason says in a low voice. "You in?" He looks at Mikey, Ash, Cal and I like he already knows the rest of the team will say yes. Which they will.

"Uhhhh you sure about this." I say. Yeah, yeah I know I'm a goodie goodie. Jason laughs.

"I knew you boys were too chicken!"

"We will do it!" Mikey stands up for us. I really don't wanna do this....

--------time skip dance--------

Michael's POV***

FUCKING JASON PRESSURING US INTO THIS SHIT! We are at North Tree High with spray cans and we are ready to do some graffiti.

"I don't wanna do this." Luke whispers into my ear.

"Neither do I. But we have to." I whisper back to Luke.

We start to spray random shit onto the wall. I drew the Nirvana logo, Calum drew a music note well attempted to anyway, Luke just drew an 'X' and Ash drew 'F U' on the wall. Jason drew 'Red Fox High is the best!' On the senior building wall. I hope no one finds out we did this......

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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