Chapter Thirteen

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Osie's POV***

I'm home alone, my parents are out of town and I'm freaked out of my mind! It's pouring outside, I can hear thunder and see the lighting cracking through the dark miserable night.

I get so scared so I decide to call Calum over for a cuddle night. That with most likely turn into a full blown make out sesh.

"Hello?" I hear a raspy voice say on the other side of the phone line.

"Cal?" I say, slightly screaming when a loud rumble of thunder rings out.

"Jose? Baby? Are you ok?" Calum's raspy voice quickly turns into a clear voice worry lacing every syllable.

"Yeah I was just Uh wondering, if you could Uh maybe come over and stay the night? I'm scared and I'm home alone." I whimper as the dark sky illuminates by the lighting.

"I'll be over as soon as I can just hold on..... I love you baby girl." Calum hastily says. I hear keys jiggling in the background.

"I love you too Cal." I smile to myself.

I'll probably never get over him saying 'I Love You'

--------smutty time skip cause smut--------

I hear a knock on the door, which makes me jump about 20 feet in the air.

I cautiously walk to the door and open it. There stands Calum a few raindrops on his perfect face, his chiseled jawline that could grate cheese.

"Hey baby." Calum smiles and comes in and kisses me on the lips in a chaste kiss.

"Hey." I say breathlessly.

"Let's cuddle." Calum says smiling at me.

--------smutty time skip cause smut--------

Calum's been here not even 15 minutes and we are already making out on the couch. Divergent long forgotten in the background.

I tug on his singlet top wanting it off, so I can run my fingers over his defined body. He gets the memo and pulls away taking his shirt off. I bite my lip at the sight of his body. We return to our heated make out session. Our tongues dancing.

"Let's take this up to your room." Calum says as I feel his hands slide up to my thighs and picks me up.

He carries me upstairs not breaking the kiss.

Once we get to my room he shuts the door with his foot and we topple on the bed, him on top of me as we break so I can take my shirt off. We lie down Calum kissing me all over my torso.

"So.fucking.beautiful." He says between each kiss, leaving hickeys in his wake.

I slide my hands towards his pants button but he stops me.

"You sure?" Calum looks me straight in the eyes.

"Yes." I nod breathlessly. He studies my eyes for any reluctance to what we are about to do.

Once he's done he allows me to take off his pants. He leans away to get the ridiculously tight skinny jeans off himself and he throws them somewhere to the side. He climbs back on top of me kissing me once more before he pulls away and fiddles with my pants button.

"Off. now." He mumbles as he pulls the jeans off my legs to reveal my black panties. He moans at the sight. And I giggle, which makes him crack a smile.

He leans up to kiss me again then telling me to arch my back so he can get to my bra. Once that's off and is thrown to God knows where he leans down and attaches his mouth to my left nipple. I moan loudly.

"Fuck!" I say afterwards. He moans around my nipple sending vibrations through my body, which makes me moan louder.

Calum lets go and quickly gets off the bed.

"What's wrong?" I ask confused as he is picking up random things.

"my pants where the fuck are my pants?" He stresses.

"On my guitar." I point. He makes a 'O' shape with his mouth and grabs his pants. He pulls a condom out of his pocket.

"Just incase." Calum giggles at he climbs on top of me.

He kisses my lips and kisses a line down till he gets to the top of my panties. He hooks his long slender fingers into my panties and slides them slowly off my legs. He tugs off his underwear quickly and rips the condom wrapper open with his teeth.

"Cal?" I ask nervously. I look at his huge erect cock, I gulp at the sight.

"Yeah babe?" He eyes me cautiously.

"How's that gonna fit into me?" I ask innocently.

"It will trust me baby girl." He slides the condom onto his long shaft. He pushes me down onto my bed he's hovering over me. I wrap my hands around his neck.

"So this is gonna hurt a little bit then it will get better. Tell me if you wanna stop. Ok?" Calum asks. I nod in reply. He kisses me much more passionately as he slowly pushes himself into me.

I scrunch up my nose in pain and whimper, that makes him stop immediately.

"Did I hurt you? I'm sorry! We can stop if you want!" Calum panically says.

"No keep going." I say kissing him for reassurance. He just nods and pushes all the way inside me.

He stays still letting me adjust to his size, waiting for me to tell him to move.

"Move." I say breathlessly. He starts to move slowly the pain becomes for of a discomfort then soon it all disappears and it turns into pure bliss.

"F-faster!" I moan out, pleasure overtaking my whole body. Calum obeys my demand and goes faster, as he lets out a deep throaty moan.

His thrusts going faster and faster. Moans, whimpers and profanities are being shot out of our mouths. Our lips meet somewhere in the middle of it all. Pure passion, bliss and love spilling out into this kiss.

A few minutes later I feel an unfamiliar feeling start to grow in the pit of my stomach. A feeling I think is me about to orgasm.

"I-I'm about to-" I don't even finish my sentence when Calum cuts me off.

"Come for me baby!" He says breathlessly, as he relentlessly pounds into me. The bed posts hitting the wall.

I let go and pure pleasure overtakes my body, my legs tremble and I moan. A few seconds Calum lets out the loudest moan you've ever heard as he reaches his high. He thrusts through out our orgasms. Once we both are done Calum pulls out and ties up the condom and puts it in the bin. He tucks me into my bed and slides in next to me, pulling me to his side protectively.

"I love you." I mumble.

"I love you too." I hear Calum reply just before I am overtaken by sleep.

--------smutty time skip cause smut----------

"FUCK! Eliza I owe you $20!" I hear Michael groan.

"HA! Hand it over sucker!" I hear Eliza laugh evilly. Wait! They aren't meant to be here!

I open my eyes and I see my friends all at the door laughing, while Calum and I are in my bed naked.


I hoped you enjoyed my smut!

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