Chapter Twenty (Last chapter)

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Last chapter! And it's going to be really short.
Third person POV***

"So that's how we met." Josephine says to her and her friends children, as she leans into Calum.

"And your fathers got super famous and them we had you!" Siobhan exclaims.

"Wow your story was really sad mum." Mackenzie (Eliza's daughter) says.

"Yes it was but look at us now. We are still all together." Eliza speaks with love in her voice as she looks at her friends.

"We had a crazy high school life." Luke laughs.

"High school sucked." Hayley giggles while rubbing her hand over her baby bump.

"Yes it did!" Michael exclaims. His hair dye has gone back to a black. Calum laughs.

"Now look at us 30 something year olds with children and we still watch cartoons." Calum says laughing.

"Hey sponge bob is amazing!" Todd comes up with Harrison holding onto his hand and their 5 year old boy holding onto Harrison's hand.

"So true!" Ashton laughs.

They all look at their children. Proud that they all have stayed friends and have succeeded so much in their lives.

(Skip like 60 years)

"My father Luke Hemmings was ready to go to a better place. He was so depressed when mum died he wouldn't eat. I guess their love was so strong. But before he lost many parts of his heart as his friends that he was so close to died. I can't imagine how much pain he was in, I was in pain because they were my aunties and uncles but he lost his best friends. I know my heart will be in so much pain for quite a while but I will get over it as he was strong enough to live this amazing life. Dad I love you." Ashton Hemmings finishes.

Yes he was named after Ashton as his child was named after Luke. But only if they new was that all the friends were looking over their children.

They all look at each other, their bodies the same as when they were in high school and first fell in love. Heaven was the place where the boys could create music together for the rest of time. They will be together for the rest of time and never leave as their love is so strong that no one could break their bonds.

"Oh I forgot to say every time I talked about high school I remember my dad, mum, aunties and uncles always said three words 'High School Sucks' I'll miss all of them." Now Ashton finishes tears rolling down his face.

the end! I hope you enjoyed my story.

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