Chapter Twelve

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Ok firstly, nothing would work for me with the videos so I used that video. <3
Secondly, let's just take a moment to appreciate how fucking amazing Mikey is!

Michael's POV***

My crush has been dating this Evan guy for a month. If you don't know who my crush is its Eliza, and seeing her holding hands and kissing this guy is breaking my heart into tiny little pieces. I'm not sure how much more it can take.

"Hey dude!" Calum cheerily says as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey..." I grumble looking over and seeing Evan hugging Eliza from behind. I should be the one hugging her from behind!

"What's up with you?" Calum asks, his eyes following my gaze. "Oh."

"She calls me up and she goes on about how badly he treats her." I say, looking away as Evan kisses Eliza on her soft looking lips.

"You'll be okay mate. You'll find a hot new girl and you'll fall in love and have tiny fetuses!" Calum exclaims, I just chuckle in response. I hear shouting, I look up and see Eliza and Evan fighting over something. Eliza storms off wiping her eyes walking past her friends they follow quickly behind her. Calum and I stand up and quickly try and follow them grabbing Luke and Ashton on the way to find those four girls.

We are jogging through the halls aimlessly trying to find the girls. We are about to give up and call them when we hear crying coming from the disabled toilet. Ash knocks on the door.

"Girls?" Ash says his voice soft and laced with concern.

"GO AWAY!" I hear Eliza shout. I cringe at her loud voice. Siobhan comes out.

"Follow me." She says. I look at her top and it's wet with I'm guessing are tears. She walks away we race to follow her.

"So what happened?" I ask Siobhan. She sighs.

"The bloody mud monkey cheated on her with Bianca." She shakes her head. We stop at Eliza's locker, Siobhan opens the locker and gets out a shirt and a make-up bag, then she goes to her own locker and gets out a shirt and hairbrush.

"That fucktard!" I exclaim. How could someone do that to her? She's one of the most trusting, loving and understanding person I know.

"Yeah I know so......" Siobhan trails off.

"What?" Calum and Luke say in sync, Luke crosses his arms over his chest and Calum raises his eyebrow.

"Do you wanna skip school with us?" Siobhan blurts out, looking at us questioningly. I can tell that Luke is gonna object but Ash cuts him off.

"Yeah sure we will!" He smiles. I mentally laugh he's whipped and they aren't even dating! Luke groans, while Cal, Ash and I high five each other. Luke is such a nerd!

"YAY!" Siobhan gives us the thumbs up and we walk back to the bathroom. "Wait out here, we'll be out soon."

15 minutes pass and the girls all come out of the toilet. Eliza is now wearing a Greenday shirt instead of her Blink-182 shirt which is now ripped up into little shreds.

"What happened to your shirt?" I ask Eliza.

"Well it was that fuckface Evans so I ripped it up." Eliza says blandly. I smile slightly and Eliza smiles a little back.

"OMG!" Hayley shouts putting up her hand like she wants to say something.

"You don't need to put your hand up we aren't in class." Luke chuckles.

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