Chapter Three

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Triple fucking update I'm bored as fuck!!!

Ashton's POV***

"What the actual fuck?" Were the first words that left my slightly chapped lips this morning when I got to school. I look at out school that's covered from top to bottom in toilet paper. I look around and find something's spray painted on the walls. Someone wrote 'Revenges a BITCH' and some logos, but what really stood out was 'Kind Regards North Tree High'. I see Michael walk into the school with Luke and Cal all looking as gobsmacked as I was.

"Holy fuck who did this?" Calum asks.

"North Tree. They are all dicks." I answer.

"We deserved it." Luke says. "We destroyed their school first."

"They didn't need to tp the whole school!" Calum shouts, flaring him arms around.

"Mikey?" I ask, Michaels never usually this quiet.

"They did a fucking good job." Mikey laughs. We give him a confused look. "What? It's funny!"

"No it really isn't." Calum says, putting his hand on Michaels shoulder to see if he's ok. The bell rings for forts period.

"Whatever lets go to Drama class." Mikey says still chuckling to him self.

--------sexy time skip--------

About 20 minute into drama the PA goes off. "All seniors please report to the auditorium. All seniors report to the auditorium!" The ladies voice rasps throughout the room.

We walk into the auditorium and we sit together. Our principle Mr.Bennett clears his throat and we all go silent.

"Good morning students. As you already know we have had some proper vandalise the school. We know that it was the senior students from North Tree High School, we still don't know the ring leader of this graffiti. But what we do know is that Friday after the big soccer game against North Tree High School is that some of the seniors from here vandalised North Tree, and they were retaliating. So I have had a talk with the principle of North Tree Mrs.Malcolm and we have created the buddy system. The buddy system is when you will be partnered up with a senior from North Tree, you will share the same time table and will be hanging around each other all throughout school. So is there any questions?" Mr.Bennett finishes. Melissa puts her hand up. "Yes Melissa?"

"Like how will we like be sharing the like same like time table if we like go to like different schools?" She asks her valley girl accent lacing every syllable and its annoying the fuck out of me!

"Good question Melissa! I will give you the last block off so you can get all the stuff out of your lockers, you are all moving to North Tree High School. Your parents have agreed that this is a fair punishment. You will get lockers there. So tomorrow morning you will met us here at the auditorium, with all your school things and you will be to North Tree for the rest of the year. When you get there find a Prefect and they will show you to your new locker and to your buddies. Anymore questions?" No one puts their hand up, the bell to first lunch goes off. "You are all dismissed!"

--------sexy time skip--------

Luke's POV***

It's third block and I'm packing up my locker, dreading tomorrow when we have to go to North Tree High. My lockers right next to Calum's because our surnames start with 'H'.

"Knowing our luck we will get the strange stoner kids as our buddies." Calum laughs trying to make the air lighter around us. Lemme tell you something it doesn't work! I put my math book in my bag.

"I'm a little white boy that's probably gonna get partnered up with a big ass giant. So basically I'm not gonna survive the bloody day!" I says sassily. Going back to cleaning out my locker.

"Someone is in a sassy mood today aren't they?" Calum chuckles at me.

"I'm always in a sassy mood Cal-Pal."

--------sexy time skip--------

Ash, Cal and Mikey finish their lockers before mine, so they were waiting for me to finish mine so we can leave this hellhole and get some pizza and watch Netflix!

When we return from the pizza shop to my house, my mum is waiting at the stairs. What have I done?

"Lucas Robert Hemmings! Were you apart of the group of seniors that graffitied North Tree High School?" My mum demands. If I tell the truth I'll be grounded until I'm 18, it won't hurt to tell a little white lie....

"No mum I wasn't apart of the group." I look my mum in the eyes. Guilt starting to me, I'm such a mamas boy.

"Ok sweetie thank god you weren't apart of it. You would've been grounded until you were 21!" My kin laughs and I awkwardly laugh with her. I give her a hug and then the guys and I set out the pizza and talked about how crappy tomorrow is gonna be. When it hit 7 the boys had to go home, and that's when I started to watch Netflix until 11 and nigh.

My internet wouldn't let me upload my update! The fucking thing has run out of data!!!!
I had to copy the whole thing from my iPad to my iPhone!!!! It was so annoying!!!!
But any way you proud of me a bloody triple update!!!

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