Chapter Five

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Michael's POV***

My stupid fucking alarm goes off at 6 in the morning!

I get up take a hot shower and get changed into black skinny jeans, a Greenday shirt and a flannel. I go back into my bathroom style my hair and brush my teeth. I go downstairs and slip on my combat boots, grab my bag and head out to the bus so I can meet my friends or should I say losers.

--------sexy time skip--------

Luke, Calum, Ashton and I are waiting to get on the bus to go to North Tree High. The principle clears his throat and we listen to him.

"When I call your name you will come up here and I'll give you a slip of paper that will have your buddy on it." He says a few names and then he gets to me. "Michael Clifford!"

I get up and get my slip of paper. The name that is written on the slip of paper reads 'Eliza Compagne'. I sit back down at my seat.

--------sexy time skip--------

We are getting onto the bus I'm sitting next to Calum, Luke and Ashton in front of us.

"Who are your buddies?" I ask the boys.

"I got this girl named Josephine Muther." Calum says reading his slip.

"Mine is Hayley Bray." Luke says blandly.

"I got Siobhan Andrews." Ashton says.

We are talking until the bus stops in front of North Tree, students are roaming around everywhere. The bell hasn't gone for either of our schools, yet. Our music teacher Mr.Franks stands up. "Go find a prefect they will show you to your buddy, then your buddy will show you to your locker. Now go find a prefect!"

The boys and I get off the bus and I spot a prefect showing the school slut to her buddy. I drag the boys over to him. He is wearing a white plain t-shirt, black skinny jeans, maroon vans, his maroon prefect jacket and a pinkish flower crown on his head. It's a bit strange to see, but I don't judge.

"Hi, I'm Michael. This is Calum, Luke and Ashton." I say with a smile, gesturing to the boys when I say their names.

"Hi, I'm Harrison. You can call me Harry, Hazz or H whatever you want. So who are your buddies?" Harrison asks us.

I go first. "Eliza Compagne."

Luke goes second. "Hayley Bray."

Calum goes third. "Josephine Muther."

And Ashton goes last. "Siobhan Andrews."

"Ok your lucky these girls aren't right asshats." Harrison chuckles, and we all chuckle as well.

This girl that looks like the exact copy of Harrison jumps onto his back and shouts.

"Onward my way-wood son!" She laughs and points to absolutely nowhere. I give her a small side smile. She was beautiful and her laugh was music to my ears. She gets off Harrison.

"Michael this is your buddy and my sister Eliza. Eliza, this is Michael." Harrison finishes. Eliza smiles at me and now I take in what she's wearing. She has on a Nirvana shirt, black skinny jeans with a hole in them, a black leather jacket and black converse.

"Hi Michael, nice hair!" Eliza giggles. I could never get sick of that giggle!

Luke's POV***

We all meet Michaels buddy Eliza and we are talking for a while. Harrison left to help other people around, and he made Eliza promise to show us our buddies. She hasn't done that yet. I am starting to wonder where my buddy is. Is she even here? Did she get suspended? So many questions are running through my head, until someone crashes into me.

"Oh my god I sorry! I tripped over my shoes and I'm so clumsy!" She apologises. This mystery girl is wearing and crop top that says 'NY' on it, black high waisted skinny jeans, vans and has a flannel tied around her waist. She is gorgeous.

"Hayley!" Eliza smiles.

"Eliza!" The girl now known as Hayley smiles and embraces her friend.

"Hayley this is your buddy Luke." Eliza introduces us and I awkwardly wave and she smiles showing off her pearly whites. Girls this beautiful always make me nervous!

Calum's POV***

Luke and Michael have found their buddies but Ash and I haven't and we are both starting to worry! We are talking about who is better Taylor Swift or Kurt Cobain. We all picked Kurt Cobain because come on he's a GOD! I am knocked out of my thoughts when I feel something hit my back. I check the back of my shirt and there is paint all over it! I am about to go off at the person who did it when I am met with someone I didn't expect.

A girl behind me wearing black tights, navy blue converse, a white t-shirt that says 'Smells like teen spirit' on it, a blue flannel over her frame and a black beanie covering the top of her head. And that's when I realise that I have never seen a girl this beautiful before!

"Omg I am so sorry! I didn't mean to but someone crashed into me and-" she frantically says but I cut her off.

"Don't worry I have a spare shirt in my bag. Just incase things like this happen." I smile warmly at her and she smile back. I get my spare shirt out of my bag and quickly slip it on after I take off my dirty one. I realise the girl was checking me out and I smirk to myself.

"Well, well looks like you two have meet. Calum this is your buddy." Hayley smiles and winks at us both.

"Nice to meet you Calum." Josephine puts her hand out to shake.

"You too Josephine." I shake her hand.

"Call me Osie." She smiles and I smile back. This will be a fun year.

Ashton's POV***

All the boys have their buddies and I am here feeling like a seventh wheel. Is that even a thing. Probably not but who cares, I am alone!!!

I see the girl that asked me to move at the soccer game, walking up behind Eliza and Hayley. She's wearing black high waisted skinny jeans, black converse, a black sleeveless crop top, a red and black flannel and a fedora over her curly hair. She walks up to our group puts her arms around Hayley and Eliza and starts to sing loudly to something playing in her headphones, which I instantly know the song that's 'How to save a life' by 'The Fray'.

"Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up with you all night. Had I known how to save a life!" She finishes and takes off her fedora and bows. The girls clap. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Ashton your very lucky you get this total loser!" Osie laughs pointing at the girl that's named Siobhan. She smiles and I can't help but smile back, it showing my horrible dimples.

"You have dimples!" Siobhan says coming straight up and is really close to my face, that if I moved only an inch we would be kissing. "They are so adorable." She pokes them.

Her saying I had adorable dimples made me less self conscious about them, and I couldn't help but smile again and giggle. Maybe this year won't be so bad after all.


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