part 1

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10 years ago


As I sat on the bleachers I couldn't help but stare at Adam. He was the star player on the schools basketball team, and he was an Adonis. Tall, with dirty blond hair hair that he regularly sweeps back from his face with his gorgeous hands.....

'Snap out of it Swift' I tell myself 'a guys like that is never going to talk to a girl like you..... Besides, he's going to college next year.'

I'm a nobody at school.....the type of person everyone stereotypes as a nerdy musical theatre geek. I'm only at this school because the company my dad works for has a deal with the school that gives us scholarships, we'd never be able to afford it otherwise.

I'm just about to finish my freshman year here and still have very few friends, but I keep myself busy with theatre productions and my job at a local cafe on weekends. One day I'm going to get out of this town and move to New York City to perform on Broadway.... Or at least that's the dream.


I was finally playing my last game of my high school career. I didn't like basketball.....everyone thought I did and I am good at it so I kept playing, buy when scouts offered me scholarships to play ball in college I refused. I wanted to get as far away from this town as possible, and put the past way behind me. I was very good at acting like everything was hunky-dory all the time but really I had a messed up life. My parents would always fight, until they finally got divorced when I was 15, but that didn't help much. I became a pawn in their sick and twisted games. Now I barely speak to either of them, although I live in my mothers house she is barely home and my father basically just pays my school fees.

I want to be a photographer and live in a big city, or travel the world with my camera documenting life.

Every time I look to the bleachers I see Taylor looking at me. She's a sophomore and never really seemed to fit in, but she is gorgeous and if I'd had the guts and ability I would have spoken to her this year. Once I tried to, but my girlfriend Sarah stopped me. "Why would you talk to HER?" she had said, distain dripping from her lips. I had been with Sarah since sophomore year but last week I broke it off.... I didn't want someone like her hanging off me now. I wanted freedom.

As I walked out if the gym I saw Taylor unlocking her rickety bike from the racks. Here was my chance.

"Hey Taylor! Are you coming to the after party?" I asked her. She looked up at me like a deer in the headlights.

"What? Me?" She stuttered.

"Yeah you!" I replied, smiling at her as she brushed some hair out if her face.

"Umm...I have to work tonight....sorry." She replied.

"OK....well see you around!" I replied, trying not to show my disappointment. I probably wouldn't see her around since I was leaving to spend the summer in Canada with my cousins before starting college.


"OK....well see you around!" Adam said, grinning broadly at me.

"Yeah....see ya!" I said, mustering as much courage as possible.

Adam Wiles was talking to ME. My whole body was in shock.....he knew my name and basically seemed to want me to go to the party.....but I had a shift at work tonight and I needed the money right now to pay for the musical theatre camp I was attending for the next month. But why did I have to sound like such an idiot? And will I ever see him around?

I basically wrecked my one chance. Stupid Swift. Just stupid.

Present day


10 years later [Tayvin AU]Where stories live. Discover now