Part 9

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At exactly 7.15 I knocked on Taylor's apartment door and waited a few seconds before it opened to reveal the one person who I hadn't stopped thinking about for the last 2 weeks.

"Hey Adam!" She said, wrapping her arms around my neck and giving me a hug, effectively snappingme out of my daydream.

"Hey babe! How are you?" I ask, giving her a light kiss on the cheek as she let me into the apartment.

"Pretty fantastic now." She said, then covered her mouth, obviously not meaning to say that out loud. I laughed slightly and wrapped my arms around her again, tucking her head under my chin.

"Smells delicious!" I tell her.

"Thanks! It's just lasagna...and some you want a tour around while it finishes cooking? A drink or something?" She says, a million miles a minute.

"A drink would be good.....and then I'd love to see what your world looks like!" I reply, smiling at her and making her blush slightly.

"Um....well I have red wine, or coca cola, or lemonade, or water....." She rattles off.

"A glass of wine would be great. I don't get to have wine very often with Lottie around." I admit

"Well that's what grown up only nights are for right?" She replies, slightly sassily.

I just looked at her slightly puzzled.... grown up only nights? She started laughing.

"A certain miss Lottie called me, probably just after you had left home, to tell me her daddy was excited about our 'grown ups only' night." She explained, making me blush.

"I'm sorry about that.....she must have seen the piece of paper with your number in the kitchen...." I explained, slightly embarrassed my Lottie's behaviour.

"It was cute! She seemed so proud to be calling. She's like a little 4 year old adult really!" Taylor said, passing me a glass of wine and picking up one for herself too.

"Ok, so this is obviously the kitchen/living room area.....then we have the bathroom on the left.....and my bedroom on the not much but, you know, it's my own yeah..." Taylor said as she pointed to the different rooms in her apartment.

The whole place was decorated in a slightly quirky way, with cool posters and old records on the walls and non-matching furniture that somehow all went together. Her bedroom looked like it was right out of a fairytale with a four poster bed and material draped on the walls. It was Taylor in an apartment basically. And such a contrast to most of my apartment which was more plain colours, simple sets of furniture. Lottie had made it homey with her toys and art work, but this place felt so cosy.

"It's really nice Tay....I can see you in the decoration completely." I tell her as we make our way back to the kitchen.

"Thanks! I couldn't choose just one colour scheme or decor style so I just got loads of random things I liked and somehow they fit together." She explained.

We soon sat down to the most delicious, and cheesy, lasagna I'd had in a long time, as well as homemade garlic bread.


It was really easy to feel comfortable with Adam in my apartment, which was a first considering I usually felt really awkward and embarrassed when people came here.

"This tastes so good!" Adam said, with cheese hanging slightly from his mouth as he ate his lasagna. I started laughing at him making him pout slightly. I leaned over the table slightly and used my napkin to wipe the cheese and sauce from the corner of his mouth.

As I was moving my hand away he grabbed my wrist and kissed the top of my hand, making me blush and look down at my food as I kept eating.

We started to talk about the last performance of the show and I told him about my cast mates ans I going to a bar and how I probably shouldn't have had so much to drink, which made him throw his head back slightly and laugh at me, while telling me about the last time he got really drunk with his buddies at someone's bachelor party a couple of years before.

While we ate dessert we started talking about Halloween, which was coming up the following weekend.

"You should come trick-or-treating with me and Lottie. We always dress up in matching costumes and go around our building and some of the other buildings nearby. A whole bunch of people get involved!" Adam told me.

"I don't want to ruin your if you always go together...." I replied, although Halloween was one of my favorite holidays and I obviously loved to dress up, based on my career at least.

"We were going to get our costumes you could come with us and we could go as a trio! Lottie would LOVE it. She wanted to go as Olaf from Frozen, so you could be Anna and I could be Kristoff....we'd make her year!" Adam explained, extremely enthusiastically which was adorable.

I loved how great a dad he was to Lottie. She was obviously his whole world, his little princess, and the fact he was willing to share that with me made my heart swell 3 sizes.

"You know what....IF Lottie says it's ok.....I'd love to be your Anna." I replied, grinning shyly at Adam who grinned back at me.

"She is totally going to say yes. I think she loves you more than me right now...." Adam said

"I don't think that's possible. You're her sun and moon and everything in between. And I can't blame're pretty awesome Adam." I told him, running my hand through his short hair slightly as we stared at each other.

"Come here." Adam said, taking me hand as he stood up and pulled me up and around the small kitchen table into the living room.

He sat on the sofa and dragged me down so I was sitting on his lap with my legs up on the sofa.

"Much more comfortable!" He said, before kissing me with more passion than he ever had. We just sat there on the sofa for a little while, kissing and just looking at each other.

His eyes were mesmerising, and his little smirk, and his hands felt so great holding me around my bare waist.... If I wasn't careful this was going to get into territory I thought I wanted to avoid just yet..... But really, I was a 25 year old woman, not some teenager in high school anymore....who cares what I do?

10 years later [Tayvin AU]Where stories live. Discover now