Part 25

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Taylor was her usual calm self as I got the hospital bags and anything else we might need ready to go. She just sat on a chair in the kitchen, every so often scrunching her face and gripping the side of the table as a contraction came and went.

"Hey babe? Can you get me some sweatpants please?" Taylor called from the kitchen.

I went straight into our closet and found her favourite sweatpants, which were actually a pair of my old ones that were way too big for her but she loved all the same.

When I got back to the kitchen I found a very smiley Taylor sitting there calmly with a bottle of water on the table.

"Ready?" She asked after I helped her up, out of her leggings and into the sweatpants.

"As I'll ever be!" I replied, giving her a quick kiss and gently guiding her towards the door.

The journey to the hospital was uneventful, with Taylor's contractions getting closer together and more painful but not unbearable as of least according to her. It was weird because I in theory had gone through this before but at the same time I hadn't because Amy was in a coma and Lottie was delivered by C-section, so the whole labour thing was new to me. Luckily Taylor had insisted that I attend birthing classes with her, so I felt a little more comfortable.

As soon as we got to the hospital we were lead to the maternity ward and they got Taylor all set up in her room. Taylor had decided that she really wanted a water birth, so in the corner of the room was a birthing tub filled with warm water.

"Good morning Taylor and Adam! How are you guys doing? Excited?" Our amazing doctor said coming into the room.

"Hi! A little excited....a little in pain...." Taylor said, trying her best to smile while riding out the end of the contraction.

"'re still pretty early on....only about 4cm dilated so it might be a little while but I'll have people check on you regularly and if you feel anything change just press the buzzer. If you want to try the pool at any point go ahead, it's all ready to go. I only came onto my shift about two hours ago, so will be here for another 7 hours, but I'll introduce you to my colleague before I go if you haven't delivered yet. Any questions?" She asked.

"Umm....not right now I think..." I said.

"What's the policy here again about children on the ward?" Taylor asked, knowing Lottie would probably want to come visit at some point.

"Siblings are allowed to come in at any time but it's really up to you guys as to how much you want Lottie to see....Some kids are terrified by the prospect of their mother going through so much pain but other's cope with it well." The doctor told us.

I saw Taylor's smile fall slightly when she said 'mother', it was still an odd subject since Lottie was confused about it and Taylor was worried about hurting Amy's parents feelings if Lottie treated her as a mother, and we weren't married yet. I considered Taylor Lottie's mother in all senses of the word, but it was between the two of them really.

"So I'll see you two soon!" The doctor finished all her checks and soon left to go see another patient.


Adam tried to distract me with music and episodes of Friends and Law and Order, but my mind kept being invaded by worries and pain. I was worried about whether I was going to be able to cope with being a mother. It was only now becoming completely real to me. In a few hours we would have a baby to look after. I knew Adam would be great, having done the whole newborn thing almost alone with Lottie, but I had never really looked after a newborn.

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