Part 29

920 38 4

June 10th 2018


"If I say I don't want to go I shouldn't have to." I told Adam, narrowing my eyes as we whisper fought over the top of Mia who was falling asleep in my arms.

"I'm not making you! I'm just saying it might be fun." He replied

"Fun is not how I would describe seeing all the people who picked on me in high school." I said.

Adam was trying to persuade me that I should go to my 10-year class reunion at our old high school, having conveniently forgotten to tell me he had filled in the RSVP card and accepted on my behalf until today- which is 2 days before the reunion.

"But don't you want to show them what you've made of yourself? You have an awesome job, you're married to me, we have 2 gorgeous little girls.... Let's make them jealous!" Adam replied, a hint of excitement in his eyes as I mulled it over in my head.

Sure, it'd be fun to show up with my gorgeous husband who they all had crushes on in high school and be able to talk about the shows I've been in and the success of the acting school, as well as my babies..... but at the same time I would be spending time with people who made my teenage years a living hell. I was just the musical theatre geek...not popular...just a shadow in the hallways.

"Maybe..." I said, looking away from Adam and lowering my voice even further.

"You're not mad?" He asked.

"Not mad.... just not impressed." I replied, looking up slightly to be met by his bright smile and perfectly kissable face.

June 12th 2018


We dropped the girls off at Amy's parents early this morning, on our way up to our old high school for Taylor's reunion. Taylor was still being very apprehensive about the whole thing, and the added stress of leaving her babies for a whole entire day just made her very quiet as I drove.

"You OK there babe?" I asked, putting my hand on her knee. She startled slightly, having been in her own little world.

"Yeah.... just hoping Mia and Lottie are OK.... it's not like it's easy for us to get there if they aren't.... not like when we go for dinner and are never more than 20 minutes away.... this is a WHOLE DAY and we are like a 2 hour drive away!" She said, barely taking a breath

"Seriously, don't worry. Jack and Julie looked after Lottie all the time when she was Mia's age....and Lottie loves it there so she will be fine and help look after Mia too. We don't have to stay too long either- an hour or two and we can go.... ok?" I try to reassure her.

"Yup.... here goes nothing!" She replies, plastering a smile on her face as we drive into the school car park.


I was giving Adam a hard time, but really I wasn't not looking forward to today. It will be interesting to see what everyone has gotten up to over the last 10 years, and to see old teachers.

Adam parked the car and came around to my side to help me out, like the gentleman he was.

"Take a deep breath, Tay. I'll be here the whole time!" He said reassuringly as we walked to the main doors.

"Name?" A teenager asked as we got to the registration table. She was probably a student who had volunteered to help out for extra credit.

"Taylor Swift-Wiles....and Adam Wiles." I told her, as she looked through the name tags and pick out our tags. "Thanks!"

We walked through the gym doors and were met by loads of streamers and balloons, a giant photo booth, and makeshift stage with a projector showing pictures from or high school days, long tables of food and drink, and tables to sit at.

"Let's get some food before it all disappears." Adam said, dragging me towards the food table and making me laugh slightly. He was always hungry.

As soon as we had food we went to sit down at one of the table. Adam went to get us some drinks while I waited.

"Well, well....who do we have here? Is that Taylor Alison Swift?" I heard from behindme, trning to find one of my only friends from high school, Tabby, walking over to me.

"TABBY! How are you?" I asked, jumping up to greet her. "You look fantastic!"

"Aww, right back atcha' Swifty!" She replied moving to sit down next to us at the table, "What have you been up to lately? I don't think we've spoken since we finished college!"

"Um...I did a little bit of acting in off Broadway shows after college....and now I'm the co-director of a children's acting school in New York." I said, proudly, "How about you?"

"I'm based in Seattle, working in software design and marketing." She said, then a guy tapped her on the shoulder, "Oh yeah, this is Tim. He's my fiancé. We are getting married in the fall."

Tim shook my hand and sat down. I turned slightly to see Adam coming back to the table.

"Well that's my other half..." I said, pointing at Adam who smiled and waved slightly.

"He looks familiar...." Tabby said, squinting her eyes and tilting her head.

"Yeah.... he might..." I replied, waiting to see if she realised who he was. Out of everyone I had known at school, Tabby was one of the only ones to know about my crush on Adam.

"Is he fam.....OMG TAYLOR YOU ARE DATING ADAM FREAKING WILES???" Tabby screamed as the penny dropped.

Adam burst into laughter as he sat down and I watched a few people look over at us, making me blush profusely.

"Actually.... She's married to me....and we have 2 kids." Adam said extending his hand to Tabby and Tim, "Adam Wiles, nice to meet you!"

"What the actual heck Swifty? You.... wow.... I'm glad I'm sitting down!" Tabby said, "You know, Adam, she had the most massive crush on you in high school."

"That may have come up once or twice.... but it was pretty lucky considering I also had a crush in her." Adam said, sipping his drink, with his arm slung around my shoulder as we chatted to Tabby and Tim.

" long has this whole thing been going on? You said you have 2 kids? Looking good Swifty!" Tabby said.

I explained everything to Tabby as Tim and Adam chatted about sports or something, showing her pictures of the girls and from the wedding.

Soon the gym was full of people and we went our separate ways to try and find other old friends and teachers, although promised to keep in touch better and visit each other when possible.

I got a lot of stink eye looks from some of the popular girls as they realised that Adam was with me, which I just smiled sweetly at.

My old drama teacher was there which was fantastic. She was the one who persuaded me to follow my passion and it all worked out in many ways, so I would always be grateful to her. She was excited to see the pictures of Lottie and Mia, and promised to come down to New York for the school's summer show in a couple of weeks.


Taylor lasted 3 hours before she begged to get going back to the girls, which I of course agreed to immediately.

"It wasn't so bad, was it?" I asked her, as she sat grinning in the passenger seat.

"Yeah, yeah.... you told me so and all that..... it WAS fun though, I must admit. And it was nice to talk to people who weren't 8 years old or less than a year old." She conceded.

I put the radio on and we sand along to random songs for the drive back to Jack and Julie's to collect the girls and head home.

Within 5 minutes of the girls being in the car, all three of them were fast asleep. I took a photo when I stopped for gas and promised myself I would print it out for my office. My three angels.

10 years later [Tayvin AU]Where stories live. Discover now