Part 15

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A week before Christmas


It has been almost a week since Taylor moved in. It was lucky because her rent was up at the end of the month so it was easy for her to leave, without incurring huge charges. My apartment now had a definite female touch to it....or in particular a definite quirky Taylor touch, with patchwork cushions on the sofa, some new artwork replacing my (apparently according to Lottie) sad black and white prints from photoshoots, and my walk in cupboard now over half full of Taylor's clothes.

Lottie was in seventh heaven. She loved having Taylor here. It's not that she didn't enjoy spending time with me, or that I didn't enjoy playing dolls and dress up, it's more just the fact she now has a very competent hair braider/dolls clothes maker/magical princess/amazing chef in the house.

We were looking forward to spending Christmas all together, with Taylor and Lottie working hard after school to make handmade stockings for us all and cards to send to friends and family ....but I had just received a phone call that was about to throw a spanner in the works. I had been asked to take photos at an exclusive event in LA on Christmas Eve.

"Tay, umm, can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute?" I said, as the girls worked on their cards.

Taylor looked up, a little puzzled, and then stood up.

"Sure!" She replied, " Lottie, please don't use the glitter while I'm gone."

"I won't!" Lottie replied, looking embarrassed. We'd had a glitter explosion a few days ago and we still hadn't gotten it all cleaned.

"I just got a phone call from my boss.... I've been asked to take photos at this really exclusive charity gala. It's a once in a lifetime sort of opportunity and I had to say yes...." I started.

"But?" Taylor encouraged me, knowing I wasn't finished.

"But, it's on Christmas LA."I finished, looking down.

"Ok....well...I guess we need to book tickets to LA then." She replied, making my head jerk up to look at her smiling calmly.

"Wait, what? But you two had so many plans.....most of which did not involve being in California, away from the snow, on Christmas...."I said, in slight disbelief.

"Yeah, but it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. Besides, I'm not saying no to going to California for a week or something..... Anyways, my parents live just outside LA and are on a cruise over Christmas so I will just call them and we can stay there. Lottie can pretend she's a princess." Taylor replied.

"Are you for real?" I asked, grinning at her and wrapping my arms around her. She laughed and kissed me.

"Hey Lottie?" I said, as we walked back into the living room.

"Yes daddy?" She replied, twisting around from her little crafts table.

"What do you say to going on holiday for a week over Christmas?" I tried to sound as enthusiastic as possible to encourage her to say yes, as I crouched down next to her.

"But will Santa know where to take my presents?" She asked, looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"Santa is very clever, little bug, he'll know where you are! We can even write him a letter to make sure!" Taylor said, crouching down on the other side of Lottie and rubbing her back.

"Ok....I guess.....where are we going?" Lottie replied, smiling slightly.

"We are going to California!" I told her, spreading my arms out wide and grinning. Taylor laughed at me slightly, whilst Lottie just looked puzzled.

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