part 4

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After our pizza night, with a re energised Lottie bouncing around, I made sure Adam had my number. Then it was up to him.

I hadn't hear from him all week, with it now being Friday afternoon. Luckily I had a lot of work to keep me busy,with performances every night, so I didn't have time to think about the fact THE PERFECT guy hadn't been in touch. Was he having second thoughts?

-flashback to the end of the pizza night-

"I've really enjoyed today Taylor. Thanks for coming out with me and Lottie. I know she has taken a shining to father like daughter." Adam said as he walked me to the door.

"Well she sure is easy to love! Here is my number. I have shows all week but let me know if you two have any fun adventures planned that I could tag along with!!" I replied, leaning over to kiss his cheek and rub his arm before turning and leaving.

-end flashback-

I had made a conscious decision to avoid anything to intimate or heated between the two of us. We needed to take it slowly and see what happened, not rush into a physical relationship. I've made that mistake before. But what if that's all Adam wanted....and that's why he hasn't called!

Before I could think any more about this I saw a call coming in from an unknown number.


"Hey Tay! It's Adam. How's your week been? All the shows?" Adam asked.

"Umm..pretty great thanks. The audience loved it!" I replied, leading to a slightly awkward silence.

"Umm.... Well I wish I was calling because of an epic adventure but actually I was calling to ask for a favour...." He explained

"What sort of favour?" I asked curiously

"Well, this entire week I've been doing magazine shoots....which was busy....compounded by the fact Lottie picked up a stomach bug so was off school for 3 days....anyways tomorrow morning I'm supposed to be going to Florida for the weekend to shoot more stuff for the magazine and I don't want to take Lottie because she's been ill most of the week....and...." Adam rambled, barely breathing

"Yes I can look after her this weekend." I replied, cutting off his rambling and answering his long winded question. This slightly explains why he might not have been in touch.

"Oh thank goodness! All the other babysitters I usually use either are busy or don't do overnights or sick kids. Also Lottie's been asking about you all week." I could hear his sigh of relief I've the phone.

"No problem.... So what time should I come over?" I asked

"Let's say flight is at 10am."

"See you bright and early!" I replied, hanging up then charging my phone.



It was almost 8am and I was up and ready to go work in Florida. Usually Lottie comes with me wherever I go...but when she's been ill I feel so terrible traipsing her around. Lottie requested Taylor and I made up some excuses about not being able to find a babysitter to make sure she came.

*knock knock*

"Hey Tay!" I say pulling her in for a brief hug as she makes her way into the apartment

"Where is the invalid? I brought her some treats!" Taylor replied, following the line of my finger as I pointed to the cocoon chair in the living room covered by blankets housing a small 4 year old who was napping.

" any instructions?" She asked

"Umm...well I think it's just the flu so can you check her temperature every so often and give her kids Tylenol if it spikes, if she wants to eat then she can have anything she wants, she will hopefully sleep it off but otherwise just put on a movie or something and she will stay pretty calm, if possible get her to bed by 8pm.....I've made up the guest bed for you and I've left all the possible emergency contact numbers possible on the fridge.... She vomited on Wednesday but hasn't since so I think you're in the clear. I should be back tomorrow night." I tried to remember everything I needed to tell her.

"OK that's fine! I don't have a show till Monday night so I'm free. Don't worry, I used to babysit all the time in high school and college, and have first aid training. Get going or you'll miss your flight!" Taylor said smiling and gently squeezing my arm.

"Thank you so much!" I said, smiling at her and wrapping her in a hug."How will I repay you? You've literally saved me!"

"I'll think of get going mister! Girls weekend starts now!" Taylor replied, smiling slightly flirtily and pushing me towards the door.


As if she knew exactly when her dad had left the apartment, Lottie's head popped up from her blanket cocoon.

"Has daddy gone?" She asked, eyes shining and a slight smirk on her lips.

"Hey are you feeling? Your dad just left now....did you need him?" I ask her, sitting on the footstool and pushing her hair out of her face.

"Nope!" She replied, popping her 'p' and climbing onto my lap and looking a lot better than Adam had implied."Just you! Now I get you all to myself all weekend instead of a stupid babysitter."

"Little missy....did you pretend to be sick so I would come and look after you?" I said, shocked but smiling.

"Not really....I was sick before...just convinced Daddy that I couldn't go away and asked him to call you to look after me." She grinned slyly.

"OK....not a word of this to your daddy right? You little actress!" I exclaimed, holding out my pinky to pinky promise."Our little secret."

She nodded and bounced off my lap.This was going to be a long weekend.

"I brought chicken noodle soup from my favourite deli and the Lego Movie, Sound of Music, and The Little day sound good?" I asked her, earning a nod as she bounced onto the sofa and sat down.

Adam called at about 1pm when he arrived at his hotel.

"How's the patient?" He asked

"She's doing well....we just had some soup for lunch and are about to start a movie." I replied, holding my finger to my lips to tell a giggling Lottie to be quiet.

"OK...thanks again Taylor! I've gotta go now but I'll call later! Love you both! Bye!" He said quickly hanging up.

I stood in shock. Did he seriously say he loved me? Was I dreaming? I sat down next to Lottie.

"Are you OK Taytay?" She asked, patting my face gently.

"Um yeah....let's get this movie started!" I replied, snapping out of my daze and smiling at Lottie as she snuggled into my side.


As soon as I said it, I regretted it. It was an automatic thing to say and I barely realised till the words were out of my mouth.

It as true, I had very quickly fallen in love with Taylor, but I hadn't planned on telling her for a bit...

Well this was going to be awkward tomorrow....  

10 years later [Tayvin AU]Where stories live. Discover now