Part 18

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"Why won't you just tell me what's going on? You know surprises aren't really my thing!" I said to my boyfriend of almost 9 months on the phone. I was at rehearsal and Adam was hanging out with Lottie for the day at the park.

Lottie was signed up for summer camp every week day till the end of July apart from Friday, which Adam was taking off all summer in order to spend time with her. We were planning on going on a trip in August to a friend of Adam's beach house in Rhode Island, but until then we were both working.

Adam had told me that we were having a weekend away this weekend, just the two of us, while Lottie spent some time with her maternal grandparents. But wouldn't tell me where we were going or what we were going to be doing. This was becoming very frustrating, especially as he first mentioned the trip last weekend and I'd been trying to get more information from him since.

"You'll see when we get there. Don't stress about it! It'll be fun, just the two of us....a bit of grown-up time...." He replied, his smile evident in his voice.

"Hmmmm....see you later on, I guess then...."I reply grumpily.

"Love you babe! Lottie and I miss you!" Adam replied before we both said goodbye.


"Hey little one? Can you come over here for a second?" I asked Lottie, who was hanging upside down on the monkey bars.

"Yes Daddy?" She replied, flipping off and skipping over to me.

"We need to have a serious talk." I told her.

"Uh oh....I promise I didn't do anything!" She replied, her eyes going wide and scared.

"Oh baby girl, you're not in trouble! I just had a question for you." I explained, wrapping my arms around her little shoulders. Maybe I went about his the wrong way.

"Oh OK!" Lottie replied, grinning again and looking at me expectantly.

"So.... You know how Taylor has been living with us for a little bit?" I asked, she nodded back looking puzzled, "Well I was thinking of asking her to marry me and wanted to ask you if that was ok?"

"REALLY? SERIOUSLY? OH MY GOODNESS! OH MY GOODNESS!" Lottie squealed, bouncing around and then wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Is that a yes?" I ask, chickling slightly.

"YES!" She screamed, "When will you ask her? Can I be there too? Can I wear a pretty dress? When are you getting married? Will it be like in the movies? Does she know?"

"Wow! Little Lottie, you sure have a lot of questions!" I smiled at her, glad to get such a positive response. "I am going to ask her this weekend, but you will be at your grandma and granddaddy's house.....but I promise we will call as soon as I've asked her. And yes you can wear a pretty dress for the wedding....I don't know when it will be or what it will be like.....and no she doesn't know so you better not tell her this afternoon! If you get ready and don't complain about going to your grandparents, I'll let you see the ring before you go."

"This is the best thing ever!" Lottie replied, clinging to me and smiling more than she ever has, "Now she can really be my mommy!"


I got back from rehearsals to find my two favourite people laughing while watching SpongeBob in the living room.

"Hello my favourite people!" I said, walking in and sitting next to Lottie.

"Tay! You're back!" Lottie said, giving me a hug, "I love you!"

"I love you too, little bug!" I replied, quite surprised by her sudden burst of emotion, looking at Adam who just shrugged at my confused face.

"Little one, why don't you go get your bag all ready? Granddaddy will be here soon to pick you up." Adam said to Lottie, who immediately jumped off the sofa and ran to her room.

"Well she's in a good mood! I haven't seen her so keen to go to her grandparents in a while!" I told Adam.

"We had a fun day today and I explained to her that we were having an adults only weekend and may have bribed her a little." Adam said, getting quite at the end.

"What did you bribe her with?" I asked, curious as to what could get the highly independent little girl to do exactly what her dad told her.

"That's for me and my little girl to know...and no one else!" He replied, grinning cheekily, "I'll just go check on her."

I stayed seated on the couch, relaxing after a long week of rehearsals and fittings. The show I was in started in less than a week and would run for 2 weeks, with one show every weekday and 2 on Saturdays. This weekend was our last one off, which is why Adam decided to take me away.


"Bye Lottie! Be a good girl for your grandparents!" I called out as Lottie climbed into her grandfather's car smiling and Adam strapped her in before giving her a high five and closing the door.

"Let's get our adults only weekend rolling!" Adam said, waving off the car and slinging his arm around me as we walked back into the building.

"Will you tell me what we are doing yet?" I pleaded again.

"No can do, babe." He replied, winking at me, "Well I will tell you that tonight we are going to stay in and watch a movie and have dinner, which I am cooking, and then tomorrow we are going on an adventure."

"Okay....."I replied, wondering what kind of adventure we would get up to.


After a quiet but very late night in (if you ignore Taylor's persistent attempts to find out my plans for the weekend) watching movies and just hanging out sans the small bundle of energy I am proud to call my baby girl, I woke Taylor up at the lovely early hour of 6am. It was all part of my plan.

"Babe.....wake up.....we have to get going...."I said, kissing her cheek and running my hand up and down her bare arm.

"What time is it?" She asked, sleepily, as she rolled onto her back.

"6am...."I replied, "But if you don't get up now....well I guess I'll just have to go without you!" I teased her, knowing that after a week of asking, she really wanted to know where we were going.

"Ok, ok.....I'm up!" She said, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"Perfect....Dress in something comfy, we'll be in the car for a little while." I told her, as I got up and put on my standard black jeans and grey t-shirt.

Taylor got out of bed and stretched, making me smirk and her blush as she realised she wasn't currently wearing any clothing at all, following out late night activities.

"Stop staring at me!" She teased, as she wandered into the walk in closet and started getting ready.

"I'll be in the kitchen babe, don't be too long!" I called to her as I left the room to go feed the cats

10 minutes later, Taylor emerged a shirt-dress and flats, carrying a cute cat shaped purse.

"Ok! Let's get going!" I said enthusiastically, giving Taylor a kiss and picking up two overnight bags I had packed yesterday for us.

"Wait a second.....firstly when are you going to tell me what we are doing? And secondly, when did you pack me a bag?" Taylor asked.

"Nope....and I did it yesterday afternoon with Lottie. Don't worry it's just pyjamas and a dress for tomorrow chosen by little miss fashionista." I replied, smiling at her and opening the door.

Time for an adventure......

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