Part 6

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A/N: Short and very corny...sorry....


" goes...So yesterday on the phone I said something, and I know you heard me, that I probably shouldn't have and I wanted to apologise and check that everything was cool between us." I said

"Yeah, everything's cool." Taylor replied, looking down slightly and sounding a little deflated.

I closed my eyes as I spoke the next part.

"The whole thing is that I really like you and I just blurted it out not really thinking about it. In my mind I can see you and me and Lottie spending all our time together, like living together and having a future together. I know this is really fast- trust me i know- and you can leave now if you want and never see us again. But I know Lottie loves having you around. Heck! I have a feeling she somehow faked being ill this weekend just so you'd look after her. And her face was so bright and happy when she told me about your weekend together. I really do like you a lot Taylor, and maybe I totally put my foot in it when I admitted that over the phone, but sometimes things just happen for a reason. I haven't felt this way about someone in a very very long time...probably since I met Amy." I ramble on and on very quickly , until I feel someone holding my hand and rubbing gentle circles on it. I opened my eyes to find Taylor had moved closer, so our knees were practically touching.

"Calm down a little Adam....just take a breath..." She said, smiling at me.

I took a deep breath and smiled back at her.

"All those things you are saying....seriously....It is fast, and scary, but sometimes the things that scare you are the things that completely change your life for the best. We have only really known each other properly for barely a week, but all those things about the future? I can see it too. Just today, when we were in the park a mother was talking to me and I thought about being a parent....and I couldn't imagine not being a part of Lottie's life. Like I'd never try to take Amy's place, but I've come to love that little girl of yours. I have never felt butterflies the way I do when you smile at ever." Taylor said, making my grin grow larger and larger. "Your admission, however unplanned on the phone was seriously the kickstart I needed. I really like you t--"

I cut her off by kissing her. I can feel her smiling as she responds to the kiss. I pull her closer into me.


I couldn't believe that a) Adam had admitted his feelings to me and b) I had reciprocated said feelings.

Now Adam was kissing me and I felt, scratch that...I felt fireworks. But I knew I shouldn't let this go on. We did need to get to know eachother a lot better before this whole thing went too far.

I pulled back from the kiss.

" this is really great and all....but we need to take it slow....which means I am going to go back to mine now. But how about you and Lottie come to the show tomorrow evening, I can sort out tickets, and we all go for dinner afterwards?" I ask

"" Adam responds in a daze, making me laugh quietly at him.

"Ok, well bye!" I say, leaning down to hug him and place a delicate kiss on his cheek.

He stands up and walks me to the door, pulling me in for another proper kiss.

"Bye babe! See you tomorrow!" Adam says as I walk down the hall to the elevator, waving at him shyly and him watching me till the elevator doors close.

I leaned against the cool metal wall of the small cabin and release a breath I barely knew I was holding. This was real life....not a all.

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