Chapter 3: The Test

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"I accept the deal," I said with a confident tone.

What? No, no, no and no! That wasn't what I was supposed to say! I scolded myself for wanting to do something interesting which is equal to some challenge for me.

"Great! I'll contact you again tomorrow at ten in the shop to provide you with more info," he said with a smile while turning away and he walked inside the running crowd.

I sighed. Now I had done it, the irreparable was done. How could I be so irresponsible to accept a quest with less than 1% of success? At a time like this, I wanted to kill myself. How couldn't I use my brain in time like this? And the man on the picture, who the hell is he to enter such a prison? I again sighed while rubbing my forehead. I think I'll do some digging into this man, story to perceive who I'll work with. If I'm lucky maybe, I'll be able to sleep more than two hours this night. I dearly hoped he was known by the gangs here 'cause if it was not the case I would be more than mad and I would... Accidentally... Kill the first one irritating me.


"So? Do you recognize him?" I asked coldly to the man in front of me while showing him the picture.


"Now, didn't make me angrier 'cause if you do..." I took out my knife from the back pocket of my jeans and hold it near his throat.

"H-He's D-Derek Ha-Hamilton, the-the head o-of the mo-most powerful ma-mafia a-around here! An-and maybe from the-the entire world! B-but he-he is also known a-as the mo-most wealthy billionaire i-in New-New York!" he rapidly responded my question always looking at my knife in fear which was still touching his skin.

"See? It wasn't so hard right?" I said with a smirk not that he can see me since I had a hood. I let go of his throat and put the object back into my pocket. Then, I started to walk away humming. I was satisfied with the info he just gave me because they all said the same thing. This was my third victim after all.

Obviously, I wasn't thinking that ever a mob boss would hire an assassin to work for him. And why would he hire an assassin to help him escape? Like our expertise doesn't lie here but in an assassination.

"H-Hey! W-Wait!" shouted someone behind me. Instinctively, I placed my hand on my gun ready to shoot anyone who would attack me. But then, I realized it was the same man I interrogated a few minutes ago.

"Won't you release me before you go?" he asked with a scared tone. I ignored him and continued to walk down the dark alley.

"Hey! Hey! Please man, please wait! I'll..." he shouted, but more I walked away more his voice was muffled. Who said he wouldn't attempt anything to my life assuming I untied him? He could see my face if he got close enough and that was a risk I wasn't ready to take. Even if I didn't untie him, someone will... Eventually.

I think I'll stay low for a while 'cause the gangs would start to talk about me and you know how rumours travel fast. And soon enough people I didn't want to meet will be here waiting the opportune moment to strike. It wasn't like I had a lot of enemies, okay only the family or people close to the ones I killed.

And that reminded me, no one could really find where I lived before maybe because they were all sending me a coded message through my protected site? So how the hell did Derek Hamilton found my address and didn't do like the others? I would have come anyway well... Maybe not if I knew I was going around the worst prison in America... I have to ask him how he discovered where I lived and make sure no one would ever be able to find me again... Like he did.

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