Chapter 17 : Breaking

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Since my last quest, I had way too much money on me. I had to do something with it, but since I was stuck here for God knew how long I can't use it for transportation. Maybe new clothes, some knives, ammo and maybe a book to pass time? I sighed. Now that I forged a name for myself, it wasn't as hard as the beginning of my assassination career to gain money. It was too easy and plain boring. To be honest, if I didn't give away all the money I had, I could have live in luxuries the rest of my life.

I think I would give half of it to an orphanage or something. Yeah, let's do that since too much money was equal to trouble in my head.

I was laying on my bed daydreaming on how should I spent my money when someone knocked at my door.

"It's not locked!" I said loudly and the door opened.

"Boss wants to see you." said Claire.

"Where's Logan?" I answered by a question.

"He's out doing some business. Now come on, Boss doesn't like to wait." she continued on a more serious and imperious tone not letting me a choice to argue.

I followed her without complaining, when you had to live with some "roommates", you start to know them very well. And one thing was, do not mess with Claire when she was angry. One time, Chris pissed her off and let me tell you, it wasn't very pretty. We needed three persons to stop her rampage! Three fucking persons!

"Boss, Nyx's here!" she said loudly while knocking on the door then opened it.

"Let him enter and you're dismissed Claire." his voice cold and angry.

"Yes Boss!" she said and left the room leaving me with a very angry man.

I walked in and only stopped when I was in front of him. He was staring at me the entire time, not breaking eye contact.

"Master, you called me?" I knew it sounded stupid to say, but I didn't like how he starred at me.

"Yes, I did."

"Did you find out what your new request is?"


"Then what do you need me for?" I asked starting to be confused.

"Who do you work for?" he answered a question by a question.

"You, master."

"Glad you know it. Then tell me why, did you go and work for this bitch?'"he said not bothering to hide his anger anymore while throwing a picture on his desk.

I took the picture and looked blankly at it. She was the one who hired me for killing the business man. I supposed being the most dangerous and known mafia of the country had his peak. I didn't think he would find out so fast.

"Honestly, master?"

He didn't answer and just continued to stare at me. Well, like the expression said, if look could kill well, I would be dead at least ten times now.

"I was bored and needed to get out the stress doing nothing all day out of me." I continued taking his silence for a yes.

"So, the morning training isn't enough for you? That's why you nearly killed Matt?É

"Yes, master and I apologize about it."

"If you need to do something, so bad, I'll assign you to be the tutor of some new recruits. You can teach them..." he started to talk, but I cut him off.

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