Chapter 21 : Don't leave me

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After so much lovely comments on the last chapter, couldn't go against so many readers, so here it is!

What will Nyx do?
Will he say yes or no?

Please enjoy! :)


Did I really want him? Did I really need him? Was I so obvious about this?

If I said yes, then everything would go like dad did...

I would have a relationship with Derek.

I would have a weakness, him.

For a period of time, everything would be perfect then everything would crumble.

Derek would die.

I didn't want him to die, I wanted him to be by my side. But, eventually, something would come and disturb our peace...

So the better thing was to not be involved in any relationship whatsoever.

It was easier that way.

Easier to survive.

Easier for Derek to survive.

"Do you think I'm that weak?" asked Derek out of nowhere.

I looked at him wide eyed. Was I so easy to read?

"H-how?" I murmured.

"You were mumbling things and I heard some of it." he said with a sad tone. "I'm not your mother Nyx. I'm not weak, or how could I become a successful business man and a feared mafia boss?"

It was true, he wasn't weak.

He was strong and powerful, but he was not invincible...

No man was invincible. He would also have a weakness...


However, maybe he only wanted me for some fun. A new toy to play with and then discard it when bored. If it was like that maybe...

"Why do you want me so much?" I blurted out before I could think about what I was saying.

"I wanted you from the beginning. From the moment I chose you in order to free me until now. But, I don't want you only physically, but I also want your heart and soul. I want you to be mine completely... I love you." he tried to explain something then blurted these words out.

He loved me.

Master loved me.

Derek loved me.

No, no. I can't accept it. I would be his cause of death. I would be his weakness. I...

I felt something wet fell on my hands. I looked down and saw a drop of water. I looked up and saw Derek dry face, so I touched my face and it was wet.

I was crying...

I nearly laugh at that. How long didn't I cry? How long did I wait for someone to say those three words? I was already crying too much and I couldn't stop it now. I let everything go, everything.

"Why are you crying, love?" master asked softly while taking me into a comfortable hug.

"I'm... Sad and... And happy... Everything at... The same... Time..." I started talking clearly while I snuggled up into him and put my face into his neck.

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