Chapter 34: Derekish

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All day was very amusing. Again, I saw a side of Derek that was a blessing to see. He was smiling, so carefree and excited to see new places. Almost like a child. Who would have thought? The most feared man of all America running all over the places. Of course, he tried to hide it, but after spending a lot of time with him, he couldn't hide anything to me anymore. However, I kept my mouth shut, didn't want another punishment.

Now we were in a restaurant named 'Bibliothek' and it wasn't a real bibliothèque (library in French) even if the name said so. It had a Michelin star and we could only eat outside. The dishes that are served there are very expensive , not that I complained. It was good to eat expensive food sometimes. Also, since it was Derek who was paying...

Now that I thought back at the time before I met Master, I had a very simplistic life. Even though I requested a high amount of money for my services, I never use it all. Most of it was donated to charities. I was always trying to keep myself as invisible as possible, a shadow. Trying to be everything father was and maybe better... I even promised myself to not do the same mistakes he did. Which was having a lover... Then a family and friends...

I did everything that I swore to myself to not do it. Only 'cause of a single man. Did I regret it?


As long as he was beside me, I wouldn't regret it. But, that may change. If it does, I would be broken... I would dedicate my life to revenge. Or dying trying to do so.

After a day visiting all the places we could, we went into a nightclub. It was... Special. I never went into a nightclub, by even for work. I was looking around like an idiot and the music was way too fucking loud!

Somehow, we didn't blend in the crowd which was composed of younger people, mainly teenagers. However, Derek was still pretty popular with the ladies. So, I let him get out of this alone. I went to the bar and ordered a drink.

I was peacefully drinking until another glass came to me. With a confused look, the bartender pointed from who it was. To my surprise, it was an older woman, not very Derekish.

I smiled but didn't engage the conversation. I hope she would understand that I wasn't interested. However, she did sit next to me. I discreetly sighed.

"Hey there." she smiled.

"Hey." I answered not wanting to be impolite.

"What a young man like you came to do here?" she examined me from head to toe.

"To have fun like everyone else?"

"I see... Did you come with someone?" she asked with hope.

"Yes, I did." I answered not giving any precisions.

"Is it that man?" she nodded pointing someone behind me.

I turned around to see Derek still surrounded by girls.

"Yes, how did you know?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh!" she started to laugh. "I saw you come in with him. So I was only wondering..." she looked intently at my lover.

"If he's free?" I tried and she just smiled as she looked at her wrist with a graceful watch.

"If you'll excuse me, I have to go. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you again... Really." she smiled and in her eyes showed sadness.

"Uh... Yeah." I said uncomfortable.

The strange woman elegantly walked away and got out of the building. Then I looked back at Derek and the poor man was still in the same state I left him.

I sighed and went to help him. I had to push the girls away to be able to finally reach Derek.

"Girls, please stop your annoying fuss. Don't you see this man already taken?" I exclaimed loudly so they could hear me.

"And by who?" A girl asked giving me an annoyed look with attitude.

"Isn't that obvious?" I glared back at her before kissing Derek.

At first, he didn't react then he took control of the kiss. I heard some girl shrieking and others walking away.

When there was no one left, we finally stopped. Even though I knew people were looking at us disgusted, I was in another world completely mesmerized by his green eyes.

Then he looked around and groaned.

"What's wrong?" I asked with a frown.

"After the kiss, I forgot we were still in the club. What a shame or I think I would have fucked you here and now." he sighed.

Then I had an idea, I grabbed his arm and took him outside to the parking.

"Let's do it in the car." I whispered next to his ear.

I didn't even have a second to hear his answer that I was already on his shoulder.

Unfortunately, both of our phones rang at the same time. We groaned as Derek let me go.

I looked at my phone and saw Claire's name. So I answered since she knew that they couldn't bother us unless it was very urgent.

"Better have a good reason to disturb us, Claire." I said angrily.

"You two have to come back now! We have a mole in our group AND Damon and Matt have been badly injured. They... They are in a coma state. Plus the police is on us putting their nose where they shouldn't and they're searching for Boss." explained Claire so fast and with so many emotions.

"Roger, we will be back as soon as possible." I answered thinking about the jet. We should have taken it. Shit!

"We're sending the jet over. It should arrive in a few hours."

"Thanks, Claire." I ended the call and turned to Derek.

With the stern look on his face and eyes, I guessed it was Logan that called him.

We nodded and entered the car before dashing into the night.

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