Chapter 6 : Training

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I growled as I put my pillow on top of my head.


"Nyx, get your ass here immediately! Don't make me come to get you!" said an angry and threatening voice.

I groaned in response and looked at the clock. It was 5:38 am... 5:38?! I groaned louder and sat on my bed while rubbing my eyes. Then without warning, Logan came in and nearly broke the door.

"What do you want Logan? You better have a good reason or else..." I said in a cold threatening tone.

"Morning practice now, so get your ass up!" he responded me blankly ignoring my anger.

"Why should I? I'm not even part of the gang..." I retorted and let myself fall on the bed.

"Now you do since you're working for the boss. I want you downstairs in five or I'll double the morning training!" said Logan and he exited my room without anything else.

I groaned again annoyed. Why do they have to do morning training this early in the sunrise? If they make me run I sensed I would kill someone. I finally sat down on my bed and rubbed my face again feeling exhausted. I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. Next, I put back again the same clothes... Clothes, I needed to go to my apart later... I wonder if Chris would go with me. He acted quite strange yesterday...

I went downstairs into the kitchen and fortunately, there was no smoke. Everyone was already here already eating. Chris was the first to see me, but instead of acting his usual self, he looked away pretending to eat.

"You'll be able to train in this?" asked Claire while pointing at my clothes up and down.

"Well I have no choice, don't have other clothes cause they're still in my apart."

"You'll just watch for today and tomorrow I expect you here at 5:10 for breakfast and we will start at 5:45," said Logan with a sight.

I nodded and sat down on a chair behind a table with the last plate with food. I started to eat. It was good. I wonder who made this.

"There's another thing you have to know, everyday one of us take the role to cook breakfast and dinner. Today it's me. Your turn will be the Sunday," mentioned Damon.

"You're just happy to not have to cook twice Damon," said Matt.

"Why?" I ask and took a bite of my bacon.

"'Cause this one like to eat, but not to cook even though he's good at it," answered Thomas.

I didn't notice before, but Matt and Thomas are pretty similar. I wonder if they are brothers. I continued to eat in silence while they were all talking about something.

"Are you okay Chris?" asked Claire out of nowhere.


"Chris? Chris! CHRISTIAN YOU BETTER ANSWER ME NOW!" Claire yelled at the young man.

"Uh? What? Yes, I'm ready!" he answered confusedly.

"Man, are you okay?" I ask while putting my hand on his shoulder and the others looked at him worried.

"Y-yes! I'm okay w-why?"

"You never had been so calm before and why so nervous?" asked Logan while crossing his arms.

"N-nothing! I was only daydreaming... I'm okay really, so are we going to train or what?" he looked away from me and stood up.

I narrowed my eyes at him still wondering why he's acting this strange since yesterday. However, I'm not stupid I have a little idea of why he was like this. But I didn't have time to ask him when everyone started to walk toward the garden. I followed them and while Logan was giving his orders I sat down on the grass.

They first ran for 20 minutes, they surprisingly ran pretty fast and none of them slowed down.

After they got in teams of two and started to spare. Even with all these muscles they were agile like cats and emitted no sounds. They are very good, I would stand no chance against them in one on one. A surprise attack was my key card if I wanted to beat them.

They then took a gun each and went to position themselves in front of the targets. It was pretty far I think there were a good thirty meters. Logan was the first to shoot and... Bull eye. Then it was Claire turn and she also shot perfectly. It was the same for everyone.

Then Logan pressed something on the table near them, and targets in human form appeared. They started to move and again Logan shot first. There were ten targets and he all did headshots.

They all did the same thing by taking turns and no one missed and either they did headshots or got the heart. All fatal wounds... Then I realized if they wanted to they could have killed me in the test. They obviously took easy on me! I cursed, I really hated it when someone did that to me.

However, there was a good point in all this. I'll be training with them for God who knows how long, so I would take the opportunity and learn from them. I would suck their knowledge out from them and I smirked.

"Nyx, stop grinning like that, you're creepy," said Claire copying my face.

I ignored her comment and just stared at her before looking around. I didn't know I started to grin and that everyone was already gone inside. So, I stood up and followed Claire inside. I glanced at the clock it was 9:18 am, I didn't notice we were outside for 4 hours! They did all those things without taking a break.

I wonder why my master required my services, his men were extremely talented, they would be able to free him without a problem. Or did he need someone he could easily dispose of without anyone noticing? I sighed. I was going to be a guinea pig in this quest. 

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