Chapter 15 : I'm only a tool

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I can't believe I said that out loud, I should just have shut up and let him fuck me. If I hadn't opened my mouth, everything would have been easy and fast, but 'cause of what I said, it seemed master or Derek decided to treat me like a porcelain doll. If I didn't say anything, the pain would have kept my mind clear and it was evident that I enjoyed this way too much.

Right after, he started to take all my clothes off, leaving me all naked. I didn't look away or tried to cover my body 'cause I wasn't ashamed of it.

"Beautiful..." I heard him mumble.

Since I was laying down on the bed, he bent down and kissed me. His kiss was powerful and dominant and I thought he tried to distract me front the intrusion I felt down there. I groaned of pleasure and of pain, it seemed to turn him on even more 'cause his kiss deepened and with his other hand he started to play with my nipple. Then I felt I wave of pleasure going straight to my cock and I groaned/whimpered, I didn't know anymore. Then I felt it again when Derek did a come motion with his finger in my ass. I moaned not able to keep it in anymore. He never stopped to play with my prostate and it felt amazing. He inserted another finger and stretched my hole. It was too much pleasure, I never felt so overwhelmed before, so I struggled, trying to get his fingers out. However, Master wasn't really agreeing with my decision 'cause he growled at me.

"Stay put pet or I will be obligated to tie you up."

Pet? It was not the first time that a master called me pet, but when Derek said it, it made me feel weak, powerless. Usually, it was the master that took care of his pet, to protect it and I didn't need anyone to do that, I could do it myself.

It seemed that master knew what was going on in my head 'cause I continued to struggle.

"You don't like when I call you pet? Well if you don't behave soon, I'll not only tie you up, but I'll also call you pet.' "

This time, I immediately stopped moving. I hated it how he would accentuate the word pet to piss me off. Also, 'cause I knew enough to not disobey a mafia boss twice. I'm sure I would regret it later, so stay put myself, stay put.

"Each time I ask you a question, I want a verbal answer, understood?"

"Yes, Master." I answered weakly even if the idea to submit to him was making me want to puke.

"Good boy." he praised me while putting some pressure on my prostate again.

I gasped in surprise and it made me fell over the edge. It was by far, the best and most intense orgasm I ever had and my eyes rolled back by itself. It was so good that I was still trembling not able to stop whimpering here and then.

Derek slipped his fingers out of my ass and he went off the bed and started to walk away. I sighed to myself and tried to sit up, but I was so tired that I couldn't even move my arm.

"I said stay put. I'm not finished with you." ordered Derek.

He didn't finish with me? Hell, did I look like I could continue?

"But I..."

"Don't worry, like I said I will take care of you. " he said while getting back on the bed now half naked.

I knew I shouldn't, but he was even more sexy like that. Now that I could see his perfect body I was basically drooling, but I snapped out of it before he noticed it.

He placed himself between my legs after pulling them apart. He had a bottle in his hand and I assumed it was lube. Master squeezed some into his palm and again, he started to stretch my hole. When he judged I was loosened enough, he took off his pants and squeezed some more lube again, but this time, he was rubbing it on his cock. He was huge! Damn it would be so painful 'cause I knew he would be able to put it all in.

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