Chapter 41 : Washroom

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I didn't know how long I stayed paralyzed since soon after bringing me to this room, the man had to put me to sleep because I didn't stop trashing around. Now, I was wide awake bounded to the bed with actual chains. I tried multiple times to escape, but no matter what, I couldn't.

I huffed and laid back down thinking about my situation, analyzing all the possible ways to escape, before Derek would actually come back here for me. Gaining the woman's trust to leave me roam around would take too long and I wondered what she would make me do to prove my loyalty. I could probably escape as soon as someone unchains me, but this was their territory, yet this was the only way. The woman wanted me alive, so I doubt I would be severely injured if they succeeded to block my way.

I sighed, I was too careless if the woman... Or like she said, my mother didn't want me so much, I may have died multiple times...

Shadow my ass...

Father was right, loving someone changed him and now it changed me... I changed and now, I couldn't even get out of those cuffs...

"You're awake, I'm so happy that we are reunited again." said the woman scaring the hell out of me. I didn't even hear her entering!

"When your 'son' is chained to a bed?" I answered back with a smirk.

"If that is needed to keep you here with me, yes. Aren't you happy to see your mom?" she said sadly.

"My mother's dead long ago, so give up already and state your true purpose."

"Cole, my baby, I already told you. I did all this for you, aren't you happy?"

"I'm n-" I got interrupted as someone knocked at the door and entered.

"Mistress, I apologize, but there are some troubles that require your attention." explained the same man that bring me here.

"I'll be there, leave." she answered in a cold tone and waited until the man closed the door behind him. "I'll see you later, don't do anything regretful." she kissed my cheek before leaving me alone.

If I could I would throw salt and holy water on me to remove that woman stench or even better I could get the hell out of here. Once more I struggled to get out of the binding, but nothing. Then suddenly, the door opened and the same man reappeared.

I looked at the man and so did he, but neither of us spoke a word. We only glared at each other until an idea popped out in my mind.

"Hey, I need to pee." I blankly said waiting for his reaction as he reached something and showed me a bottle. "And poop." I added at the end seeing he would not free me.

He looked at me for a long moment, I supposed he was thinking what to do.

"Fine, I can let you go pee, but Mistress ordered me to keep you cuffed and linked to me." he took out another pair of cuffs and a not so long chain.

"Don't tell me you're going to be in the same room as me when I'll do my business?" I asked in disbelief.

The man sighed, "Listen, you little..." the man stopped before sighing again, "Mistress ordered me to not let you out of my sight, so your opinion nor your complaints won't be taken into account. Live with it!"

"I didn't know an old man like you would be such a masochist being tossed around like that." I added trying to piss him off.

"Do you still want to go to the washroom, I could still let you piss and shit on yourself."

"Just untie me already." I sighed not satisfied with the man reaction.

This would be harder than expected, the Jessica, or I supposed her name was since she's the Boss, really didn't let any details left behind. She was dead set on not letting me escape. Yet, I had to find a way.

After being all tied up again, the man pushed me out of the room to manhandle me toward the washroom. I wasn't a package of potatoes!

"There go, the chains are long enough for me to wait here." he pushed my into the room as he stopped at the front door. "But don't close the doors."

"What's the point of you waiting outside then?" I argued wanting to have some privacy, already ready to slam the door shut.

"You better not do something you'll make me regret." he warned as he closed the door, but without closing it completely because of the chains.

"Finally..." I sighed since in the end I really needed to pee.

Okay, I think it's best to not do anything reckless for now, Even if I succeeded to escape now, I didn't know how many men were posted in and around the house. Nor could I escape far by foot. I would just have to observe my surroundings before acting 'cause if I fail, I'll have no chance to escape again that was for sure.

"Are you done?" the man asked loudly.

"Let me at least do it in peace!" I shouted back starting to get annoyed.

Note to myself, remind me to kill him to before I leave this place or kidnap him, so I could torture him later.   

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