Chapter 45 : Him

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Half way back to the headquarters, I started to feel extremely nervous. I was sitting in the back with Derek as Claire sat on the passenger seat and Logan in the driver seat.

Derek hadn't looked at me since we got inside the car, he was staring out the window. Except the occasional whispering from Logan and Claire, the silence was heavy and I exactly knew why.

Arriving in front of the house, Derek got out first as we followed him from behind. I looked around and everyone from our group was here except Demon and Matt was here. Some others were lightly injured, but some others were being transported to the infirmary. And I was the cause of all this suffering

I soon spotted the group that I trained, so I informed Logan before going to see them. I walked toward them and recognized some faces.

When I stood in front of them, I looked at the murmuring group.

"Did everyone came back alive?" I asked while looking at the small group with a frown.

"Unfortunately, only the people in group two and three survived..." someone answered as he held his bleeding right arm.

I sighed, it was to be expected they were too arrogant. At least, I knew my training worked for the majority.

I smiled at them for the first time, "If you guys were able to survive that and continue to train regularly, I can't see what could stop you. On those words, congratulations! You guys are officially part of the group."

They all looked at me like fishes in a tank before they cheered between them.

"Now, let's get you guys patched up," I dismissed them and to my surprise, everyone of them personally came to thank me or give me a handshake.

I wasn't lenient or kind with them, but I guess they saw the results from the inhuman training as they liked to call it.

I walked in the main house and went to my old room. It took my clothes off my and stepped into the shower. The hot water relaxed me and I closed my eyes thinking about what happened.

Matt and Damon's health are stabilized, most of our men survived and we even managed to make some prisoners. The head of the group, Jessica, was no more and if they managed to find the next leader, it would take time to reconstruct everything. When the time come, they would be a threat since they would want vengeance. It would be best to eliminate every single one of them now...

But for now, there was something even worse. I would have to stay away from him, so he could calm down a little. Then maybe, maybe I could explain my actions and maybe dodge the imminent wrath of my Master.

Out of nowhere, someone knocked at the closed bathroom door making me look at it. Was it Derek?

"Who is it?" I said loudly, so the person behind the door could hear through the water.

"Ummm, Nyx. The Boss summoned you... You should hurry, he seemed pretty mad that you disappeared earlier..." explained Chris making me sigh in relief.

"I'll be there in a few," I answered as I closed the water.

"I-I'll be waiting in front of your room."

I put a towel around my waist after drying up my body and hair. I opened the door and I was greeted by some cold air. I shivered, why did it have to be so damn cold? I walked toward the closet and took out a simple pair of jeans and a black shirt. I wouldn't have it on me for long anyways...

I opened the door and saw Chris waiting for me. His back was on the wall and his arms crossed as he looked at the ground, worried.

"Are you okay?" I asked as I closed the door behind me making him look up.

"Yeah! I'm fine, I"m worried about you that's all..." he answered as we walked making look at him curiously.


"Because the Boss has been mad since you stayed behind in the enemy headquarters. To be honest, it was scary... I never saw him like that," he explained making me chuckle.

"You're exaggerating..."

"I'm serious! Even Logan was on his toes around him! It looked like he would kill anyone who breathed too loudly!"

Fuck, was he that mad? I was really screwed like Chris said. But I still gave him a reassuring smile, "How's your wound?" I asked changing the subject.

"Not as bad as the wounds you're going to have..." Chris gulped.

I sighed, he was worrying too much for nothing. But seeing him so distressed and worried about me... Made him so cute.

"Don't worry too much Chris. Boss won't kill me nor will he hurt me too badly," I hoped. "Okay, see you later for dinner and tell everyone that I would be cooking their favorite," I said before knocking at the door and entering the room.

When I closed the door, everything was silent. I took a deep breath and looked up only to see Derek's eyes staring at me. Oh shit, I was so screwed. I didn't dare to move, in fact, I couldn't even if I wanted.

He started to walk toward and this was when I noticed he was half naked. I swallowed hard, trying to look at his eyes, not his perfect muscular chest. When he got in front of me, I couldn't do it anymore, I looked away as I started to tremble in excitement and fear.

I was cornered between him and the wall behind me. He put one of his hand next to my head and leaned in. I closed my eyes tightly and felt his breath on my skin, his smell enveloping me and his hand wrapping around my neck. If it wasn't for the wall behind me and his hand around my neck, I would be on my knees right now.

I missed Derek too much, I couldn't wait anymore. I wanted to touch him, smell him, kiss him, taste him. I needed him so badly!

I started panting and trembling when I heard his voice being whispered next to my ear, "Let me punish you, my fallen angel..."

Author Note:

I have been writing this story for almost a year already and I'm sad to say that the story is reaching his end, there are only a few chapters left.

But fear not! There is a high probability that I write a sequel, but nothing is sure yet since I have so many stories going on. Not only Sinful Boyfriend, Saved, and Legendary Love, but also new ones!

Interested to know what those new stories are? Come check at my Facebook account for new information! (The link is in my bio)

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