Chapter 19 : The Information Broker

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We're now in the heart of the city, Chris was following my instructions and we parked. Before he could go out, I grabbed his arm.

"By security, I want you always next to me and the most important don't talk unless I tell you to okay?" I said dead serious.

"Don't worry, it's not the first time I collect informations."

"Then why don't you show me?" I said sarcastically.

"Ya won't laugh later." he answered offended.

"Want to bet?" I asked with an eyebrow up.

"Ya serious? We're on a job now!"

"Thank you, I noticed, but I'm bored to death, so why not? It'll spice things up, don't you think?"

"If it can make ya happy..." he responded while sighing.

"Then five hundred bucks, that you won't be able to."

"Seriously, five hundred?!?" he said shocked.

"Yeah, I have too much money on me, so I want to get rid of it. You're in or not?"

"I don't have so much money to throw out of the window." he said with a sigh again.

"Then bet something you can afford, I don't mind. Think of it, if you really get the info, you'll win five hundred in no time!"

"Fine, one hundred on your failure."

"Great, deal!" I said with a smile.


I stepped out of the car and walked toward the part of the town, that was attacked by the virus. Chris was next to me 'cause I didn't want a dead body of an important member on me. It would only cause trouble, lot of trouble.

Anyways, we were now in a dark alley and I could see Chris looking around. Then I stopped as he didn't notice, he continued walking. I sighed and grabbed his arm again.

"What are you doing?" I scolded him.

"Sorry, never went here before." he apologized with a sheepish smile.

"You see the metal door, there?"


"Inside, there's an information broker. Go and collect the info."

"But... I don't have money..." he looked at me confused.

"Really? You don't know any other way, to get info without paying? What are your weapons for?" I asked incredulously.

"I can't kill everyone I want or it's my head that the boss will have!"

"Not kill him, threaten him, idiot! I can't believe you're in the mafia..." I grumbled the last part incredulously.

He ignored me and walked toward the door grumbling things. I moved to the shadow and observed him wit a smirk. He loudly knocked at the door and waited. A hole opened a rectangular hole which only showed a pair of eyes.

"What do you want?" a masculine voice asked.

"I want some information."

"Sorry, wrong place." he snapped and closed the hole.

"W-what the hell! Open it now!" Chris shouted angrily.

When Chris finally got tired of shouting to the metal door, he walked back toward me. I was trying to swallow my laugh, but I failed miserably.

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