Chapter 5 : More than co-workers?

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"Okay now serious everyone!" said Logan authoritatively.

On those words, everyone in the room stopped talking and all eyes were on him.

"Let's talk about the plan," Logan took out the paper and some pencils. But I was shocked, all of us will work as a team to liberate master? I didn't know, and I never worked in a team, I always do everything myself. It's easier this way. You're certain that it's well done and you won't have any surprises.

"Wait a sec. It'll be a team mission?" I ask as I drowned my eyebrows. Even though I already knew the answer, I didn't want to believe it.

"Yeah, problem?" he answered while he looked at me. His face was saying are you stupid?

"Yeah, I never worked in a team, and I'll be even worried if I don't know if this thing will work or not."

"You have no choice Nyx if we want to have every chance in our side we have to work as a team. If it's a trust problem, they never failed to do anything the boss expected of them. And, you'll be the only one on the main field when we will provide you assistance from afar."

"Okay, you can continue," I sighed.

For the rest of the day, Logan continued to talk about the plan, the dead zones where the cameras won't be able to see me, the guard shift and even the pass idea for the cells and doors.

To be honest, I wouldn't be able to do all that in one day. I was impressed. Each one of them was specialized in a field. They complement each other. I now understood why they were on top of their organization.

"Okay, that's all for the day," said Logan with a sigh and rubbed his eyes.

Then we heard a loud grumble. We all looked around to know the source of the attack or something. But then Chris said, "Guys... It's my stomach that made this sound."

We all put back our weapons all relieved.

"Well, I'm hungry too, so who wants pizza?" said Demon with a small smile. He never smiled before then why now? Was it because of the food or the fact that he liked how to cook?

"Great idea! I'm starving too, here catch," said Claire as she tossed a flier to Demon.

Okay mystery resolved, Demon love food so much he can't keep his poker face. And Claire wasn't as calm and serious as I thought.

Wait? What was I doing? I never cared about the people around me, so why did it have to change now? No, nothing would change when the deal is finished, I would disappear like a shadow. I won't be Nyx anymore, and I won't work in a team, I'll be alone. Alone in this world while living my life. If I die during a mission that a master gave me, so be it. At least no one would cry on my death... No one... I'm all alone and it should stay like this.

"Hey, Nyx! Ya won't eat?" said Chris with five boxes of pizza in his hand.

I didn't answer, I just stood up and went toward the table. I took a plate and went to pick an all cheese pizza. I didn't even notice how hungry I was, so I ate one piece, two, three, five, seven slices of pizza. Even though I could eat so much, everyone was looking at me with big eyes.

"What? I was hungry. I didn't eat for two days," I said with a shrug.

"Why didn't you eat? No money?" spoke Matt for the first time this day.

"Nope, I had plenty. I didn't eat 'cause I didn't feel the hunger. But when I do, well I eat like that," I answered with a little fake smile.

"You should eat every day. It's no good for your body," said Claire sternly.

"Yeah, I agree with her," spoked Logan with crossed arms sitting on a chair.

Claire was like a mother and Logan, the father figure in this group. I mentally smiled at that.

"Okay, I will," I answered again with a fake smile hoping they couldn't see my lie.

To be honest, sometimes I didn't eat for weeks. My body was used to it, used to the lack of food, so I won't be hungry for at least one or two weeks now. Except if I do too many physical exercises then I would be.

After supper, we all went into our room. I went to the bathroom and stepped in the shower. Seconds later cold water started to pour and it immediately relaxed me. The more I stood under the water the hotter it got. After a few minutes, I finally started to wash my body with some soap. I started with my hair and finished at my toes. I stood out of the shower feeling refreshed. I grabbed a towel rubbed it into my hair. Then passed it on my waist, I got out of the bathroom and went toward my bed. Damn! I realized that I didn't have any spare clothes... I could go commando, but I needed at least new pants...

"Hey, Nyx! I can come back later..." Chris came in without knocking and instantly looked away. I think he was blushing, but since the room was too dark I couldn't see.

"No, it's okay. In fact, I'm happy that you're here. I need new pants and I was wondering if you could lend me one? I'll give it back to you tomorrow after I go buy one!" I rapidly added.

"Uh? Uhh yeah! I can lend ya one," he quickly acknowledged me and he ran away without closing the door.

I sat down on the bed and waited for Chris to return. Then he immediately returned and entered my room with a pair of jeans and a shirt in his hands.

"Here, I thought ya also wanted a shirt since you needed some pants," he said still not looking at me.

"Thanks, man," I answered and took the clothes. Without going into the bathroom I let the towel fall on the ground and put the jean on. I was going commando and then I put the shirt on. During all this I was back to Chris and when I returned he was blushing so hard. Then he saw me looking at him, and he immediately turned away.

"Chris..." I started.

"Sorry, goodnight," he cut me and ran out of the room, so rapidly that I couldn't say anything else.

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