Chapter 40 : Away

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I stared blankly at the sitting woman. My brain didn't want to accept what I just heard. So I looked at Derek in order to know what I should do. However, he didn't even look at me, instead, he was glaring at the woman. So I just glanced back at her not wavering.

But then she stood up making me get out another gun I hid on me.

"Sit down." I growled glaring daggers at her.

"Don't you even recognize your own mother, Cole?" she answered not obeying my words.

"I said sit down. Don't make me repeat myself again." I almost shouted, but the woman was still unfazed. "My mother is not from this world anymore, so you can keep your mouth shut."

"That's what you think, but I'm undoubtedly Tohrment's wife, your father. After I got well enough to search for you, I discovered that my beloved husband died and that your location was unknown. Yet I found you and I have to thank your lover for that." she turned to Master.

I didn't know what to answer since she got my father's name right. I tightened my hold on the gun not knowing if I should believe her or not... No, that wasn't the point! If Derek orders it or if she becomes a threat to us, I would have to eliminate her.

"Enough." master voice boomed in the room making me glance at him unsure what to do.

"What? You don't want him to know the truth? Or is it because you don't want to lose him?" she laughed. "You know, you guys made a pretty couple back in the Bahamas. Yet, I want you gone from my son existence." hatred coated her calm voice.

Back in the Bahamas? Then it clicked, she was the woman who talked to me at the bar when Derek was surrounded by girls! Damn, how did I not recognize her?! I really did let my guard down. Fuck!

"You see, I wanted my son out of this dangerous world, yet this fat despicable man took me away from them and my husband thought me dead. You don't even know how much I hate your world." she spat. "That's why I have to eliminate you, so my baby can be freed." her voice turned soft when she looked at me.

I greeted my teeth. Enough was enough! "Now, don't make me madder than I am." my finger shared on the trigger. I wanted to shoot her so bad, but Derek's glare barely stopped me. I won't let her threaten him like that! I would disobey him if she says one more thing.

"Cole, calm down baby. You have to understand that if this man dies, you can go back to your normal life. You want that isn't it?" she stood up and rapidly hugged me taking me off guard.

I tried to shake her off me, but something stung me near my neck. I pushed the woman hard making her fall back in her chair as I put my hand near my neck. She fucking injected something into me! I started to panic when I didn't what the substance was and looked at Derek for help. My legs started to feel weak and I fell on the ground not able to move them anymore.

"D-Derek..." my voice trembled when I couldn't feel my waist too.

"What did you inject him?!" roared Master as he stood in front of me protectively.

"Nothing that will harm him. But you... You're another story." she said before pushing a button under her desk.

I tried to reach for my gun which wasn't far away, but my torso was also going numb. I tried to hurry and hold the arm before aiming at her. But before I could pull the trigger, the room was assailed by enemies. Fuck!

"Derek!" I shouted getting his attention. "Flee..." I said to him when he looked at me.

"W-what? Never..." I didn't let him finish, there was no time.

"I said flee!" I ordered for the first time and looked at the woman. "You let him and his men go or you'll not have me ALIVE!" I now pointed the gun at my temple ready to shoot.

"STOP!" she either ordered to her men or me, but I didn't care I'll only drop the gun when Derek would be away from here. "Let the man go."

"Unharmed." I added glaring at her and when she didn't comply my finger twitched.

"Unharmed..." she said it as if she regretted it.

"Go! Be safe." I hurried Master since I couldn't feel my arms anymore. I was running out of time!

He looked at me and his eyes were so sad and held a promise to come back for me. And then he walked away as if he owned the place before calling his men. I sighed in relief when I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore.

"Cole, please hold down the gun..." her voice trembled.

"Not until all of them are safely out of your territory." I glared at her and made sure she won't do what I feared the most.

After a few minutes, a man came in and reported that Derek and everyone else were gone. Only then, I let go of my hold and slumped into the ground. The adrenaline wearing off as the drug took over my body.

"Take him into my quarters and if any of you harm him, I'll personally punish you." her tone was so cold and cruel that from the corner of my eyes, I saw the man flinch.

"Yes... Mistress." he came toward me and hold me into his arms bridal style.

If only my body wanted to fucking move, I would already be out of here. I'll definitely escape after I kill that bitch that thought she was my mother and go back to Derek before he brings the end of the world. 

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