SHOCKI N G (Hotch)

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Aaron Hotchner

(purposely spacing the titles lol)

You,finally got to fill in the B.A.U team,which is a dream to fight along with the awesome ones,even if they're called weird,fucked up or many shit. Those things are actually attracting you to join the team more even if people will badmouth about you because of it.

They just don't know what awesome is. *cues flips hair*

Anyway, back to the story, you are now happily skipping at the low grass of the park with your bare feet,enjoying the soft prickly feelings of the grass itself,faint warmth of the sunlight, the wind caressing your cheeks as it makes way to your strands of hair and the smell from the flowers and dirt just, calming.

The rest of the team were just eyeing you from the back as you twirled around and skipping like a little child. "Is she alright or having the mood swings?" J.J asked,raising her sandy eyebrows. "She is always like that,the childish one" Derek shrugged,a smile curled on his lips due to the calm atmosphere.

"Well,(Y/N) is a special one indeed,not that I meant by she is mentally dis--" "She gets it Reid" The tanned male patted the doctor's shoulder,as he closed his mouth shut with a small nod. Suddenly,the whole team stopped their tracks when they saw Hotch.

A faint "dear lord" and "please don't kill the child" voice heard at the background. Hotch,straighten his tie as he walked over to you who also stopped your feet,perking up your head to see the tall male.

A smile beamed on your face as you happily greeted the serious male. The team gulped,hoping that Hotch didn't scold the clueless yet childish you. "Hi Aaron! I-I mean Sir!" You flustered,grinning sheepishly. "It's fine on calling me Aaron,(N/N)"

He cleared his throat,looking away bashfully. (what are you,a tsun? jkbbylol) "Oh,cool then! Hey do you sleep yesterday?" You questioned, approaching towards the male. "I didn't,actually" He coughed,turning away from you and regained his stiff composure back.

"Aaron i told you to get some sleep" You huffed,crossing your arms as you furrowed your eyebrows, turning into the mother mode. "I have to finish my work," Before he could finish,a rake of cough blurted out and again,he turned away for a while. "and I'm fine" He ended,pocketing his hands.

You rolled your eyes,making your way (todowntownwalkingfast//slapped) closer to him. You raised both of your palm,as it both hugged his pale yet cold cheeks. He sighed in content,enjoying your warmth,small hands and a faint smile carved on his lips as he look into your eyes.

"See," You placed your warm palm against his forehead. "You're cold" You continued as you placed it on your forehead now,measuring each other's temperature. "Well you're warm" He retorted,which making you chuckled at his lame pickup line and you slightly shaking your head.

"Well Mister Cold," You sassed in a teasing manner. "Better sleep next time and take your meds later,we don't want you to get sick" He suddenly pinched your nose,leading you to quickly scrunched your nose along with a squeak. "Hey! Ow!" You slapped his arm and he managed to put another smile.

You grabbed his shoulder,slightly tip toed to reach his height and walks along with him with a small shriek of "March my soldier!" as he,as well sling his long arms across your shoulder,firmly gripped your arm and hugged you close to his side.

The rest of the team just stood there,eyes widened, mouth agaped. "Well that's just...shocking" Spencer muttered, fiddling his fingers. "Yeah,who knew Hotch have that soft spot on (Y/N)?" Rossi added. "Well,you'll never know what's on with people" Derek shrugged.
Oh hey hey hey my profilers~ How you doing~? *Joey's voice* Okay if you understand that reference I love you forever ('∀`)♡

Anyways,just to be clear,I don't do lemonades and lemons alrighty? Just cuz

And dont you think Hotch looks handsome ffs omgahd pls dont ruin my husbando lists //its okay spence bby i love you

And as always vote,comment ajsndhsksn and have a nice day~

Profilers,are you ready for more feels?

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