Nicknames (Derek)

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Derek Morgan

( CA/N: Inspired by an imagine~ )

NP: I'm Falling For You - Chester See (Cover Song)
"What did you say (N /N)?" "Nicknames?" Derek raised an eyebrow. You just walked by his table, heading to Rossi

and hearing him calling Garcia such nicknames. You pondered, he didn't called you nicknames like that.

For instance, baby girl, princess, angelfish, sweetheart, hot stuff, goddess and more. You really can't remember all actually, like really.

"Why did you want one?" He push few strands of your (H/C) hair behind your ears and you shyly shook your head down to his sudden touch.

"Um, I-I don't know it's just...cause" You replied with hesitancy. He chuckled, knows what's going on.

"You heard me calling names to Garcia?" Bulls-eyes. Shutting your eyes tight, you waited for his next move.

"That's really cute of you," He patted your head and you cautiously opened your eyes to see his toothy grin.

"but I don't have a nickname for you" "Why?" Your eyes twinkling in curiousity as you asked that and he kept going on.

"Do you want to know why?" He hummed in questioning tone and you nodded quickly.

"Because," He stepped closer to your figure, lowering his head down. You can even feel his warm, minty breath against your skin.

You blushed, your eyes tried to avoid contact with his mesmerizing eyes frantically.

You swore you can see him smiling like an idiot as he teased you like this.

"Because," He continued. "I love your name, everything is already perfect" He finished, leaving you in utterly shocked and speechless.

Your face flushed in red color as he laughed heartily at you and you sprinted off to Hotch's office.

"And that's the other reason" He muttered to himself, walking back to his seat.
Muahahahhaha moar updatessss

Guys please leave comments, I really am pleading like seriously guys.

Don't be shy or lazy, if you can comment one nice word than it's freaking fine coz at least you did comment.

Because I dunno if I can continue waiting for your comments actually, your opinions, fangirlings, laughing made me motivated to continue writing.

So guys, please? For me? Thanks a bunch a lot so much guys (Screw grammars muahahha)

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