Profilers! Assemble? (Reid)

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Profilers! Assemble?
Spencer Reid

NP: Rythm Ta - iKON

( CA/N: important note in the end, please read )
"Hey Reid, you think if I drink the water from the sprinkler here--" "(N/N) no dares" "Awh but come on! You think it has something that made the livings here grew?"

"(N/N) it's just plain water" "You're no fun Reid" You pouted, crouching close to the sprinkler next to the unsub's house.

"That's why he's not the magnet" Derek winked as you both laughed. "Oh please Mor, Reid is a charm. He is indeed adorkable" You teased him, noticing Reid's cheeks turning pink.

Derek suddenly received a phone call, which his smile slowly swept into a frown instead. You stood up, slapping dusts at your black slacks.

"Hey Mor, where's Reid?" You questioned, furrowing eyebrows as he turned to see the doctor is not there. "Reid?" He called, walking across the bushes. "Reid!" You shouted his name, sprinting across the bushes.

You headed deeper, only to see Reid locking himself in a laboratory room, frantically sliding the door close. "Reid what the fuck are you doing?!" You banged the door.

He small smiled, shaking his head, sputtering out words. "I-I can't. Believe me, get back" "What? Why?!" You growled, glaring at the doctor's eyes.

His eyes trailed off towards his back, only to see the white powder, that militaries, the CIAs and even the president worried about, is scattered around the marble floor.

"Reid you little shit," You snarled. "Open this door!" "Dammit (N/N)! Listen!" He roared but his face softened when he sees your glassy eyes and a face expressed completely lost.

"Everyone need to be safe," He places his palm on yours at the door. "I-I need you to be safe" He whispered, barely unaudible.

You swear you could just punch him in the face for being like this but on the other hand, your heart crumbled.

You sharply turned away, gritting your teeth, clenching fist as tears began to pool at the corner of your eyes. "(N/N)--" "Reid? Hey hey what's going on?"

Your eyes darted everywhere around you as you turned, slowly walking away and bumped into Derek. He looked clueless, confused until he sees what you saw.

(;;; 〇 ∆ 〇 )

"Morgan, how's Reid?" Hotch asked as soon as he arrives there as Derek approaches him and other two military officers. "There's white powder in the room and the air was blasting"

"Get a decon team suited up" One of the officers, perhaps a general since he's the one who do the orders. "How's (Y/N)?" Hotch turned to your fragile state, concern hinted in his voice.

"She isn't taking this very well" Derek sighed, glancing towards you whom sitting one of the ambulances' vans.

Your pupils trembled, dilating everywhere, your body shivered, no warmth but it's only the cold you felt even though you're draped with the 'panic blanket'.

You covered your face with your palm, only to remind more of Reid and suddenly tears just bursts out, streaming down your rosy cheeks.

(;;; 〇 ∆ 〇 )

You remembered you bring your phone with you after you chilled down, and you fished  it out  from your pocket, dialing someone.

"Hello doll face, the goddess is here" "Garcy, I need you to---" "Hold on a sec" She halted you up, and heard another voice at the line. "Hey Reid" "Hey Garcia, no witty greets for me?" You could hear she laugh but suddenly the line is disturbed by noises.

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