Photograph (Derek)

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I almost broke my knuckles so I'm uploading them short and sweet okay? IM SORRY LOL

NP: Photograph - Ed Sheeran
Derek huffs angrily, the male is really pissed about something and the team didn't even dare to ask him why

"Are you--" "I'm fine Reid" The tanned male replied almost too quickly, massaging his temples as he sat on his chair. The doctor nodded briefly, walking away with no words out from him.

He sighed, spinning his chair slightly towards his side to see your seat. You're not there.

He groans frustratedly, looking up on the ceiling as his hands intertwined,rested on his stomach.

He really want to see you today,to hear your sarcastic responses, your twinkling eyes , your little laugh and your genuine smile.

His closed eyes fluttered open, his orbs moved to his desk and see a photograph of you both in a cafē, celebrating his birthday at his hometown.

His heart softened as he smiled to the picture. Maybe I should take more of her photograph, he silently thought.


Im sorry hahahahahahahahah

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