The Blame (Hotch)

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The Blame
Aaron Hotchner

NP: Ultimate Zone - Junichi Suwabe and Ono Yuuki

(CA N: A kitten slumped himself beside me HE IS SO KYUTE FUCK I CAN'T MOVE)
"Agh Aaron what is this?!" You shouted angrily, a pair of metal cuffs wrapped tight around your small wrist as it locked at the table infront of you.

It clinks even louder as you struggled more to escape. You couldn't believe this. You can't believe this. "(N/N) please just listen to me--"

"Oh? And how on earth am I going to listen to you if you just fucking cuffed me up!" You fight back as your tone gets more higher each time he tried to talk.

"Look, I'm sorry (N/N), you're a suspect" "But I didn't do it Aaron...!" You whimper, tears starting to pool at the corner of your eyes.

His heart crumbled at your sight but his gruff voice didn't change to sympathy at all even if his heart did the truth.

"(N/N), you're a suspect. I can't let you go just because you're--" He paused, taking a few sharp breath.

"and because I don't have proofs" He ended, the door creaked open as he tried to leave.

"You...can't even say that I'm your love?" Your voice squeak, your arrogant demeanors turned fragile as you know this reality.

"(N/N), I--" "Get out" You rumbled low, face on the table to avoid his. You're pissed off. Mainly upset.

"But (N/N)--" "I said get the fuck out Hotchner!" You screeched, your cry boomed the entire room.

He startled, but he maintain his firm front and left. When he reached outside, the whole team were already there, crossing arms, pocketing hands and some hands on the waist.

"Aaron" Rossi started, his eyebrows furrowed in disappointment. "Hotch, you clearly sees that she's telling the truth" Reid spoke up as well, face express worries alike on everyone's.

"Reid, I can't do anything just because we read her as innocent. We need proofs." He rubbed his temple frustratingly, sighing heavily.

"Let's go save Hotch a damsel in distress...!" Garcia whispers enthusiastically, leaving smiles on the team.


The door then again softly creaks open but you didn't mind to raise your head up to see who. "What is it Aaron, come to question how I did it?" You mumbled.

The man himself felt guilty for making you in this horrible state. He sat down, his large palm reached for your hand and grasped it ever so gently.

You flinches, but stay quiet. "(N/N), please talk to me" His gruff voice filled your head as his thumb caressing your cold skin.

"I hate you" You able to mustered out, your shoulders shaking as you tried to supress your sobs from his field of senses.

"I know" You could hear his footsteps at the corner of your ear that he's walking to your side, crouching down to your level. "I have the proofs, you're not guilty"

"So this entire time you thought I am?" You clenched your teeth, your hand curls up in a fist. "No, I know it wasn't you." "Then why do you need the fucking proofs?"

"Detectives and cops are accusing you for doing such thing but the lady I know wouldn't do that. And I don't like when they're pointing fingers on you so I need proofs to not make you take all the blame"

Didn't mention a thing after that, you had a long pause before you turn your face to his. His eyes flecked with worry and concern when he sees you so horrid.

You leaned yourself at him, dunking your face at the crook of his neck as you felt his arms slowly slid to your sides, hugging you close.

His body warmth shot throughout your body, making you feel more and more secure him by your side.

"I'm sorry" You mumbled and he chuckles, stroking your hair. "I love you,(N/N)"


Oh and we have reached 50 chapters yayyyyYYYYYYYyyYy!!!!! Keep supporting me in silence or open my bby// hugshugs

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