Ditched in Library (Reid)

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Ditched in Library
Spencer Reid

NP: Come and Get It - Selena Gomez

( CA/N: Bless my keyboard for saving the B.A.U. members' names )
More sighs escaped your mouth, your fingers drummed at the table impatiently as your eyes constantly watching the clock,waiting for someone at the library.

A message entered your phone, to see your friend ditched you and apologizing.

From: (Y/F/N/N)
You probably hate me now but I'm sorry i can't come for our little meet! \(;'□`)/
My crush freaking ask me out and this is my only chanceeee

You snarled,replying back as your fingers practically trying to crack the screen while you're typing.

From: You
Fuck yourself,ditcher.

Not long after that, she messaged back.

From: (Y/F/N/N)

You sighed in defeat,texting back with a small smile, she's your friend, you can't be mad at her forever.

From: You
Whatever. You fucking pay for the next time got it? I cut your pinky finger if u ditching me again mortal (҂¬_¬)ノ

From: (Y/F/N/N)
I LOVE YOUUU ヽ(*'з`*)ノ

From: You
Ew no
now go

You then ended the conversation, and felt a pair of eyes staring at you. When you turned to see who, a blonde hair male with grey wool sweater sit just two table across you as his pale cheeks slightly went pink, he shyly looked away.

You smiled, and turned to your front back to read a book you carried along,(F/B). Suddenly a chair infront of you slowly pulled and you lifted your head up,to see the skinny male earlier sitting there.

"I-I'm sorry for staring" He started, lowering his gaze from yours nervously. "It's fine" You chuckled softly and his perked up like a little puppy.

"What's your name?" You asked,placing the book aside. "Spencer Reid" "(N/N)" You shake his hand,suprisingly his hand is bigger than yours and warm all over. It felt,nice. Really nice.

"Now tell me why are you staring?" You snickered evilly, decided to somehow tease him since he looked so cute when he is teased. He blushed, his words stumbled all over.

"I uhh,umm,curious since umm,y-your face changes and the way you're acting is like you're waiting for someone,a friend perhaps" "Oh?" You raised an eyebrow, interested in his explanation. "How did you know though?"

"Your changes on expression when texting earlier from upset and mad turned softened as soon as you receive the latest reply. Your finger tapping describing you waited for someone you longed to me--" He stopped, "I'm sorry" He then muttered that suddenly.

"Why do you stop?" You quizzically looked at him. "Go on,I don't mind" His face lit up,usually people prefer him to stop when he started to rambling.

As he continued, his guesses are correct and on point. You were in completely utter shock. And no wonder to that professionally explaination, you learned that he actually worked as a profiler.

You got more interested,talked for hours and tried to ask him something you curious about before. "Hey Reid, what does it mean someone owning plush toys even when they're already grown?" "I'm just curious"

"You owned some didn't you?" "...Yes" You muttered in defeat, and he smiled. "It means that someone is still holding on childhood. It could be because of you in need on someone to hold to. Providing some support,a company to help you sleep."

"Ugh that's true I'm so sad" You run your fingers through your hair messily, groaning. He blushed, seeing you do that making him thinking how fluffy and soft your hair are.

"I'm guessing a cutie in front of me here have a girl?" You smiled and you swear you see a tinge of pink on his cheeks when you said that.

Maybe that's because he loved seeing your eyes sparked like a child in amuse whenever you smile or snickering or smirking. Or the fact that you called him a cutie.

"It's you" He suddenly blurted out and your eyes widened in startled.

"Pardon?" "I-I'm sorry! I umm I didn't--I uh" He started to stuttered, his eyes darted everywhere but you, nervously.

You giggled, to his suprise you sounded really adorable and leading your childish side popped out more. "I never heard someone confessed out loud like that before, you are really adorable"

That's what you said,even everyone knew 'adorable' describes you a lot, he silently thought. "Never heard of that from someone before,too" "Why not? You're such a cutie though" You curtly said and his face went red.

"Hey let's say we go have a walk outside? I can feel a hole behind my head from someone staring the hell out" You silently growled and Reid took a peek, to see a librarian staring at the both of you and him with such intensity.

"Y-Yes of course" He stood up, and you instantly grabbed his hand,"STOP STARING DUDE IT'S CREEPY AS HECK" as you shouted that to the librarian earlier.

You both sprinted off quickly before he could catch you both for screaming in the library.
Desperately waiting for comments is sad af and that's me lol GUYS COMMENT SMTHGGG IM DYING TO KNOW MY READERSSSsSsS

dat sounded more worse FFS

Have a lovely day ahead (^_-)≡★

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