Seven Minutes in Heaven

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Seven Minutes in Heaven

( CA/N: A special chapter just for my dearest bby on supporting me till this far//winkwink )

NP: Lost Stars - Maroon 5

"Um what?" You asked again, your forehead creased, eyebrows furrowed as your face clearly shown the excuse-me-what look.

"Come on (Y/N)! It's just for fun" Rossi shrugged his shoulders. "Why should I?" "Because the team is going to be thete. He's gonna be there." He winked, smirking.

You slightly taken aback, blushing as well and you turned away from Rossi's victory face. He knew your big crush on him. Dammit. Slightly sighing, you gave up.

You relaxed your shoulders, nodding. "Fine whatever, I'll come" You waved your hands off and he grinned, patting your back.

"You know I have a great feeling about tonight. And I'll pick you up okay?" "Thanks Dave" Small smiled, you walked him to the front door, slowly shutting it when he left.

Time Skipped brought to you by Loki Laufeyson~~~! ┐(゚v゚┐)
( "Stand back merely mortals! No one is going to engulf this body of mine except (Y/N)" )

You clenched your dress nervously. Tapping your feet at the ground, eyes scanning the road for any signs of cars-heck, you are fucking nervous.

Because he's going to be there. You checked your dress for the small party Rossi set up in, I don't know which house.

You smiled, your palms gracefully smoothed over the material, your dress looked very nice yet simple. And comfy too.

When a van honked, you perked your head up to see Rossi rolls down the window motioning his head to hop in.

"You look very nice today" He mentioned. "Aren't I always am?" You chuckled.

Time Skipped again bcs im lazy by Midorima Shintarou~~!
( "Tch you are so lazy author-san. D-Don't worry (Y/N) I-I'll accompany you while y-you wait nanodayo..." )

The party is really fun to be honest, just hanging out with your team, your friend, your family.

You and the rests of the team had a great laugh and jokes, filling up warmth inside the house even if it's chilly outside.

And not to mention the food Rossi fucking ordered, IT IS GRACED BY THE GODS AND ANGELS.

Just when you and the team sat on the couches in a circle, Rossi popped out a Fedora from his back. Confused, you asked the male.

"It's Seven minutes in the heaven (Y/N), don't you know this game?" His tone is dripping with sarcasm as he shows his i-don't-do-anything look.

You groaned, running your fingers in your hair, this was his plan all along.

Sneaky mafia bastard.
I'm going to do the next part separately MUAHAHAHAH

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