Elevator (Derek)

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Derek Morgan

(CA/N: In here you're a claustrophobic because why the hell not? LOL just cuz im a claustrophobia doesnt meant you who didnt have that phobia cant get scared of fucking stucked in a elevator amirite muahahahah (science fact (?)) )

NP: The Last Goodbye - Billy Boyd

"Damn," Derek cussed silently. He's been trying to avoid seeing you, somehow and he eventually did.

He avoided seeing you every morning walk, at the desk, café and even in the meetings, he still doesn't make eye contact with you.

You pondered and scarred at the heart, deep scar. You don't know where you did wrong and you tried to fix it.

Because well, let's be honest you loved that stupid buff guy. When he smiles, that is the cutest as fuck including with his pearly whites. He chuckled, even more cuter than a freaking puppy.

And you say you loved animals but you made an exception to this guy. You became more sarcastic, awkward and stuttering when you're around him

so you couldn't cover your feelings very well so everyone else in the BAU knew. Damn it you profilers give a damn rest for someone's privacies---

You sighed, head spinning, confused and frustrated. You wanted to know where you did wrong so you can talk to him back.

Or even an eye contact, it means the world to you. Even once.

But now he found you in the elevator, alone. With you. A-W-K-W-A-R-D.

"Oh,hey Mor...!" You tried to greet, breaking the awkward silencey and sudden meet. Really SUDDEN actually.

"Yeah" He replied curtly, crossing his arms as he leaned at his side by the cold elevator skin, looking at the other way. You sighed, trying to control your sobs.

"I-I was wondering wh-why would you avoid me Mor..." You mustered up as you gathered the courage to say it. "Y-You know because you always t-talk to me like shit and stuff..."

You added, but he didn't say anything and not even turning. You continue, no longer care if it headed to no avail.

"A-And I was wondering...." You tried to beamed a smile as you turned to him once more but his eyes won't have any eye contact with you.

"...why do you ignore me....?" You silenly whimpered, shooking your head down and Morgan heard that, instantly whipping his head to see you.

But the elevator suddenly came to a halt though they haven't been on the right floor yet as the lights dimly flickered. The elevator slightly rumbled and creaked, you knew it is stucked.

Panicked, you frantically tried to hold onto the rail as cold sweats trickled down at your forehead and your breath rapidly escaped fron your lungs.

He realized something with the familiar behavior, claustrophobia.

"Hey you okay?" You heard a voice spoke out and turned to see Morgan approaching closer to you. You weakly smiled. "Y-You talked to me" You sobbed, and his eyes widened.

He didn't think it was this bad, you on claustrophobic and you worried about him.

Your legs suddenly felt wobbly and jelly, you instantly fell on the floor. "Hey Hey!" You heard his shout ringing in your ears as the vision gets blurry, your eyes slowly drooping close.


You woke up to the continuous monotone beeping and a slight sting dug in your skin, and soon few drops of waterdrop. Why the hell---

You're about to hit the doctor for doing sloppy shit work but instead, you saw Morgan's face, dried tears stained at his cheeks. "(N-/N)?" He questioned and you hummed in reply, smiling.

"Heyy how's it goin--" "I'm so sorry" He whispered as his buffed arms slung over your shoulder to hug you close as his face dunk at the crook of your neck.

"Hey it's fine, I did something shitty to make you not talking to me right? I'm supposed to say sorry dumb dumb" You chuckled, patting his strong back soothingly.

"You didn't do anything actually I just," He sighed and his hot breath tickles your skin as he does that. "...jealous" What? WHAT? WHAT?!

"WHAT?!" You shrieked and it's his turn now to chuckle.

"I get jealous on you talking to Reid instead of me I know it's stupid" True, you did spend time with Reid more well since,he didn't talk to you. So you tried to get some answers from Reid.

"Dude, Mor," "I talked to the genius because I wanted answers from him on you" "Well then you wanna know it dollface?" He breathed, breaking the hug from you, locking his gaze on yours.

"Wh-What?" You mumbled, flushing red. He moves closer if it's possible, placing a kiss on your lips.

Well, stucked in elevator isn't that bad.
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Im sorry i just liked that emoticon
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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