I'm Sorry (Hotch)

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I'm Sorry
Aaron Hotchner

NP: I'm Not Going Anywhere - Anthem Lights

"You know,everything is just wrong,okay?!" Rapid footsteps echoed near Hotch's office room, you turned to see the fuss from talking to Garcia and J.J, leading the sight of Hotch's brother,Sean stomping his foot.

"Who's that?" Garcia asked,a playful smile curved on her lips. "Aaron's brother,Sean" You stated, worried washed over you on what happened at the two siblings. "What?!" She shrieked in a hush tone as well as J.J.  "He is a piece of hunk,rather than Hotch--" "Hey hey"

You slightly growled defensively as Garcia putting her hands up in the air in surrender. "Sean listen to me I'm just trying to--" "I DONT CARE AARON!" Sean angrily shouted,his eyes flared with anger as he walks away with a huff.

You stood there, silently waved Sean whom waved back before leaving and even more worried on Hotch.

You sighed,tried to calm down since facing the angry Aaron Hotchner is not a good choice but you have to. You chased his back when he walks back to his room,and stopped him by grabbing his broad shoulder.

He turned,his eyebrows furrowed and his forehead visibled with more wrinkles.It's cute but scary,in a way. You gulped and started to speak. "Hey Aaron,it's fine, Sean just upset and he doesn't meant that" You kindly spoke to him. He remained unchange as you continued more.

"He knows that you are just trying to help him, no worries" You beamed. He is still in silence,giving you the Hotch stare which making you feel a bit scared and squirm in discomfort. "Aaron I--"

"Would you please shut up?!" His loud voice boomed, echoed the entire room as everyone in the B.A.U headquarters silenced and gulped in fear. You startled, tears brimmed in your eyes. His tone of voice made your heart hurt, really hurt.

And as he realized what he did, his eyes now widened."(N/N)--" He started and approach you,but you flinched away against his touch.

Warm tears streamed across your cheeks as you quickly ran away, embarrassed and upset. The team eyed on you with a worry look as they watched your figure took off and your footsteps slowly faded in air.

"Hotch" Rossi mentioned,his face clearly shown i-am-fucking-upset-with-you look,as the girls shown him the how-dare-you-now-look-what-you-done look. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck and sprinting after you.


You are now infront of the headquarters, sitting on the cold concrete stairs as you hugged your legs close to your chest, crying. You know that is not the first time he scolds you but it felt way different, it kinds felt more like he's annoyed on you. You can't help but feeling hurt though.

Suddenly you heard approaching footsteps, knowing that is Hotch, you hid your face from him. "(N/N)..." He called in a soft tone, guilt hinted in his voice. "Go away" You silently muttered,not lifting your head up to see his dashing features. "Look," He sighed, sitting next to you but you scoot away from him.

"(N/N), I'm sorry" He whispered, making you lift up your head a bit to search any hint of pure guilt on his face and you did. He looks like he almost going to broke down seeing you in this state, he didn't even want to forgive himself for doing this to you.

"For what" You mumbled nonchalantly. "For being a douchebag" You snorts,your body slightly shivered as you erupted into a fit of laughter. "It's nice to see you smile rather than crying" He pointed out and you blushed in react.

Yes you might have a teeny weeny crush on the male. You found out that he tends to be nice and gentle towards the person he cared for, how his smile popped more of his childish side and the way he hard working on something to make everything gone easily and he even goes to distance to make his family happy.
(*cues Hercules's song* I CAN GO TO DISTANCEEE)

Okay maybe a lot. "Well,right back at ya" You shot back in a teasing manner and he smiled lightly, making your face blushed even more. Ah damn I never getting used to that ,you silently thought. "You are forgiven" You mentioned and he sighs in relieve, leading you to an absolutely out of the blue question (kinda).

"Why are you so relieved? I'm just crying,it's normal" You nervously chuckled. "Thinking that someone that I love didn't forgive me and crying because of me, I would rather die actually" He spoke. Your eyes went wide and a lump stucked in your throat that made you speechless. He loves you.

"Please tell me that you do" He let out a dry laugh as his eyes twinkled with a pleading look. You smiled, giggling in reply. "Of course I do,douchebag"
*cues Darth Vader's entrance song*
ayayayayyy my profilers how's your day~? I hope it went quite nice (≧∇≦)/

Guys pls pls comment smthg cuz it makes me squeal like a little girl and giggling uncontrollably ヾ(゚∀゚ゞ)

I need to go to bathroom so bye byeee (´∀')/

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